Chapter 43

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It all started centuries ago. The moon goddess wasn't always the moon goddess. She was a kind soul, she was one of the most powerful light witches. Her name was Aileen.

She fell in love with the first Alpha, Alpha Filtiarn. However many didn't approve of their love so there were many conspiracies against them but no matter what they were inseparable.

Soon enough they gave birth to two twin girls and many thought that they should not exist for they were half wolf and half witch. Both more powerful than anything in this world.

Anyway so some werewolves and witches banded together to try and kill the sisters but ended up killing their parents instead, however they left a gift for their daughters.

Aileen, became a goddess because of her pure heart, she gifted her daughters her powers. One with the power of light, the other the power of darkness from the darkest corner of her soul as they balance each other out.

She also gave a gift to the werewolf and witch society, mates. She wanted others to experience the love she and Filtiarn experienced and soon enough she watched over mates also matching them.

Alpha Filtian gift to his daughters was his pack.

Both girls received his pack, which was the first and only pack to ever exist which soon became two packs. One for the twin of light, the first and only pure white wolf, and the other for the twin of the night the first and only pure black wolf.

Alpha Filtian is said to be watching over the packs and choosing the ones he believes are worthy to become alpha's, as his daughters died out after as threat rose, killing them both.

Despite their death, peace was restored and packs were made across the world.

Every one hundred years, the twins are reborn, direct descendants of the moon goddess as before when reborn are sent back to Earth to their separate original packs.

"It's all a lie" Violet's eyes snapped up to is in chock.

"What do you mean it's not true?"

"Do you honestly think one would know how the mood goddess and Filtiarn came to be? Or you're past selves?"

"No one has the knowledge I don't think even my father or great grandfathers know. Our species have been around for centuries we would not know anything direct of their past. It was what 'they' came up with to keep the supernatural world at bay." Violet till stared in disbelief digesting this information. Everything he said making sense however.

No one should know how werewolves are supernatural came to be so how would anyone know how the moon goddess and Filtiarn came to be, the mother and father of all werewolves who's bloodline has went throughout centuries and centuries and her past selves. Heck not even her wolf remembers for some reason.

There should be different stories or theories of how they came to be, all barely close to the truth as time would have tainted them. Yet we have one solid story of how they came to be.

Nathan smiled as her face scrunched up as she thought about what he said. 'Why can't we mark her' His demon whined making him raise an eyebrow in surprise. That's a first.

'I'm still angry at you.' He said briefly while he just growled.

'She would have found out the truth either way why wait?' Nathan rolled his eyes at his demon's narrow thinking.

'She just escaped from a dungeon that her family friends and pack placed her in for a crime she did not commit. I know I would need some time to take it in' His demon only huffed returning to the back of his mind.

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