Chapter 18

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I can safely say training went well.

'oh yeah they could barely move when they we were done with them'  my wolf chuckled.

'that and we avoided our litttle discusion with Trent' I pointed out.

'and we got a little revenge at that bitch' my wolf smirked. I couldn't help but smirk also at the memory.


"come on you slow pokes put some muscle into it." I yelled at them as I was watching.

they were working on push ups and let me say they suck to the max, especially the girls. My goodness and they wonder why they are so weak.

"well I dont see you doing anything, I bet you cant even do these 200 push ups you gave us. you're just all talk" Paige's voice ran out.

oh great, didn't she see me take down the beta and his mate a few hours ago?

"well Paige" I sneered out her name "I can actually do more than that, I'm pretty much taking taking it easy on you right now so shut your yaps and just do it" I told her calmly.

"you do not speak to a luna like that" she screeched looking angry "I challenge you to a fight" She smirked. bipolar much?

I couldn't help but smirk too. I get to beat her to a pulp without any trouble, she challenged me so she basiclly walked right into it.

'I'm going to enjoy this' my wolf started coming to the surface but I willed her down not wanting my eyes to turn red. 'no I want to do it' I told her.

"what afraid that I prove you as the weak pathetic girl you really are" she smirked thinking she won but she just signed up herself into a hospital way longer than I intended to put her in for.

"I accept" I stated trying to control myself from ripping her to pieces right here and then.

slowly and painfully Violet slowly and painfully just like she did to you. I opened my eyes to find a circle around Paige and I.

"you ready to beg for your life loser" Paige spat circling me as I watched her every move. wow she really is lousy on her stances.

I saw it coming before she even lunged at me.

I dodged every hit and kick she threw at me. I cant hurt her, not yet I have to wait.

"whats wrong too chicken too fight back" She stated as she kept trying to claw at me.

false hope. Many's downfall, just when they are confident they will win with only a glimmer of hope only for it to stripped away. not knowing what else to do fear and hopelessness slowly fill you, you yourself can be your own downfall.

Thats what I have been feeling ever since I never shifted. hope only for it to be crushed many times until I was left with nothing. I was my own downfall in this dark abiss.

"seriously is that all you got, I guess you really are all talk" she laughed in amusement before launching at me again. I saw it in her eyes, victory showed in her eyes.

'crush it. crush her' my wolf growled out but not coming too close to the surface knowing the conciquences of our secret revealed so soon.

I waited until she was inches from my face only to grab her wrist shock overcoming her features. I kept tightenning my grip hearing her cry out in pain trying to get out of my grip yet failing.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now