Chapter 24

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Elders or pack elders are the oldest wolves in the pack that could have survived for at least 70 years. trust me when you're a wolf its pretty much hard to do with all the rogues and hunters, not to mention if your mate dies unless you have a strong will along with your wolf you will die soon enough.

So elders guide new generations of alpha's and help the pack nourish. I can scoff at that.

Anyway, the Pack elders help the alphas run the pack.  One of their most important jobs in the pack is conducting a hearing or trials.

If someone has commited a crime within the pack or against it then the elders are allowed to interfere and call a hearing.

I call it trial since the elders lead it and in the end they, along with the alpha come up with a decision. You know the usual guilty, not guilty, well obviously their guilty but they come up with a punishment. Sometimes thought or most of the time the alpha's are the reason a hearing.

Elders can overide an alpha's decision, with all their years of living their able to withstand alpha command. Regular ones anyway, trust me My sister's and my commands will work on them, elders or not. Probably another reason the council doesn't like me very much, I sometimes command them, they put up a good fight but end up following it in the end. You do not want to know what I made them do.

Pack elders must lead the hearing and make their decision based on pack laws, and the council's laws. Punishment can be banishment or death...or some jail time in the supernatural jail.

The elders, if the trial is of a dire situation are able to summon the council. You know the usual, overthrow the council take over packs, enslaving humans. Bloodthisty rogue that goes around killing pretty much everyone in the way. It was a pain to convince the council I never hurt packs members unless its self defense when I first came foward telling them I was one of the legendary wolves and The rogue. Apparantly some idiots thought it would be easy just to blame their crimes on me marking my signature at the crime sceens. Lets just say they have a painful death.

I have dark magic, just like I can mark someone and know if their across the world I know if someone else carved my signature. Whether on paper or on thin air, innocently or with bad motives. Well I killed the ones with bad motives and framed me.

I'm getting off track.

Elders can also remove an alpha from their position as long as they have the council's permission and a solid argument.

The council.

If you ask me their just cranky old man with power in their hands. They are worst then your nagging grandmother. I know the horror.

They have lived longer than anyone. They were once elders until they hit 100 years old they become young council members. I think the oldest council member is 200 years old. A huge achievement. Yea we dont get along so well.

There are five of them that have survived to even become council members. Like I said the oldest is 200 years old, whoopty doo it just makes him worst. The three second oldest ones who are pretty much 150 or more, the youngest is 100 years old. He recently became a council member, all in all he's my favorite, but I may have his head if he agreed with the other council members to ally us with this pack.

Anyway they've lived throught past events since they lived and have valuable knowledge. Some of them also knew the past twin goddesses which is why I have problems with the older ones, always comapring me to the past twins.

I'm ruthlest,emotionless and a bloodthirsty powerful wolf, deal with it. I'm me, their them I'm dangerous and I am proud of it.

ok no need to bore you with this information.

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