Chapter 19

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The past week has been so dramatic.

yes you guessed it Paige is back at school and boy was she surprised. I guess no one warned her about my surpreme reign.

Theres been alot of drama since then and its kind of getting annoying. I guess its better than doing alpha duties, practicing my powers and bore myself for the rest of the day.

unfortunately I'm running out of people to use my power on, but I cant help but feel satisfied with all the drama since I managed to disrupt their perfect life. dont get me wrong I dont start the drama it just finds me just like some of my preys and danger, defenitely danger.

Training isn't bad sure Paige is annoying but two weeks in the hospital helped her to learn enough is enough. I think she doesn't want to spend another two weeks in the hospital only to come back and find what else changed for the worst, well for her anyway.

Its fun to see Trent lose control of his wolf when I'm with other males. In my defense they throw themselves at me I just flirt back much to Derek's distaste. not in a romantic way but a brotherly way.

I also found another one of the rogues who raped me. He also goes to the school, he was the youngest and the one who wasn't so thrilled about doing it but it still didn't change that he did it and enjoyed it. men.

I already marked him after giving him the scare of his life. two down one to go along with the former alpha.

I haven't seen the former the former alpha around but I'm not complaining. I heard he moved out of the packhouse along with my so called parents, not complaining about that either.

I sighed finally getting up. todays sunday and our day off of school and training.

I stepped out of the shower and into my room to see Derek on my bed reading a book.

"about time, I thought you would sleep all day" He spoke without looking at me as I changed.

"Its been a long week" I muttered.

"Uh huh anyway I came up here to warn you Mr and Mrs Robinson are here" He told me looking up. great my 'parents' are here I wonder....

"is the former alpha with them?" I asked him curious, I need to be ready so that I or my wolf don't just rip someones throat out randomly.

"no he's not, if he was there would be a dead body by now" Derek growled out. I chuckled letting my hair go down my back.

"well lets go I'm hungry" I told him walking out. I heard some shuffling before Derek was walking by me.

"what if you bump into them?" He asked me. I know he's talking about my 'parents'

"right now I'm too hungry to care so dont worry you wont have to pull me off someones throat" I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen.

'or maby he will'  my wolf snarled seeing who was in the kitchen, Luke, Paige and my 'parents'. looks like the family is reunited.

They all stopped talking about whatever they were talking about and turned towards me. others sensing the tension left the kitchen so it was only them, Derek and I.

"good morning Violet" My 'mother spoke.

I just ignored her and went to the fridge poring myself some juice as Derek gave me a plate of bacon and eggs. he must have saved it for me.

"answer when your mother speaks to you you ungrateful brat" Luke spat.

I just ignored them all and sat down eating my food while Derek sat next to me watching my family like a hawk.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now