Chapter 53

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I stared at the wall ahead feeling- Nothing.

I felt nothing ever since Violet left other than anger, sadness and betrayal. Now I just felt nothing.

Did Violet really hate me that she would go to the king of demons willingly with a delusion he was her true mate?

I felt anger fill my wolf and I.

Naberious, Nathan; whatever his name is it still brings a bitter taste in my mouth.

He stole everything from me, he stole Violet from me. Though I was the one who let her goo a long time ago I found her only for her to be ripped away from me.

I honestly felt heartbroken because it feels like Violet rejected me.. I guess that's how she felt ears ago huh? But worst because I actually said the words to her only for her too be raped after.

Fate must be really against us considering all the things that are getting in our way. It feels like the closer I get to her the farther I get.

Now I have to get my pack ready for a war against Violet herself. I have no idea how we will both recover from this.

She has to fight against her own sister, Alayna not Paige. I have no doubt she would snap Paige's neck the first chance given. That's a fact and a very strong opinion.

I still can't believe she went against her own pack thought. I jumped to a conclusion once and it didn't end well, I learned my lesson and I won't be sure to forget.

Thought it was pretty suspicious. She never hesitated once attacking, not even her own pack members as many would have expected. Not only that but her smell was different and I didn't feel the pull.

Both my wolf and I could tell that wasn't the real Violet. No one would ever believe me however. Especially since Richard had it drilled in their heads and Augustine.

I don't get the vibe I get around that guy, and his smell, it's familiar yet not so familiar if that makes sense.

Either way my wolf is always on edge around him. I don't blame him though.

He seems to be getting a grip on everyone, dictator style yet no one seems to see it.

All his talk about dark creatures and their dark influence on this world and how they need to be eliminated just doesn't add up. Especially when Grant and the other vampires left, I've never seen someone able to rile so may people with anger and vengeance towards a specie.

He is suspiciously good at it.

Well that's how we got a house full of light witches, other pack wolves all with a burning hatred towards Violet along with the demons, vampires and dark witches.

Honestly the atmosphere is not helping me.

A knock came at my door snapping me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I answered after clearing my throat.

Before I would have groaned at the sight of Paige walking into my room but as of now it's more like a comfort.

Surprise isn't it? Out of everyone here Paige was the only other person who picked up something strange was happening.

She's a decent person when she's not letting her anger and jealousy blind her and sleeping around with most of the male population in order to get peoples attention.

Strange to say she's the one helping me say in tacked. Without her, I would have probably gone crazy and as time goes on I could feel some type of connection.

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