Chapter 51

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Area 51 lol

Months have passed and both sides have been preparing for the war of the century.

Havoc wreaked in the supernatural world as many chose sides. Both armies growing at a rate as attacks were thrown to weaken the other.

It has been months and the balance is dangerously tipping. It is actually showing effect as it rips through their dimension and through Earth.

Human's fear and paranoia rise at the mysterious events taking place. Unexplainable massacres, weather, forest fires. Dead animals and humans.

A disease arising effecting both humans and supernatural had been the final strike.

Both sides agree, this must end now although they have no idea what is happening other than a handful of few.

June 22nd of 2015 was when the true war sparked as Augustine rolled his plan into motion.


"Are you sure about this..." Alayna asked uncomfortable doubts running through my mind.

"Oh dear when have I ever let you down." Augustine grinned while she thought about it. "Never."

"Exactly" Augustine's grin widened. "Now will you let me do the spell?" It was very creepy to Stephen to see Augustine genuinely playful and dare he say it- happy.

It's been happening more often as he seems to work and hang around Alayna. Maybe she will be able to end this war before it starts. Though there is nothing creepier than one of the most evil beings actually smiling.

Stephen uncovered the true Augustine throughout the months. The only reason he is still here helping is because he has something big over his head.  One he could not simply abandon.

His father.

Yeah his father is alive and under a spell by none other than Cecil and is now Richards. Boy did Trent have a field day after he found that out.

Now he can't possibly look at him the same way, especially when he looks at him with hatred and distaste.

Trent has never hated the original council more.

He tried to hold himself back from warning Alayna as Augustine casted a spell over her. He knew very well it was simply top cover up the true spell Cecil is casting somewhere.

He could do nothing but watch as Augustine signed the death warrant of her and her sister. Sadness overcame him as he watched Alayna smile a kind smile towards Augustine thanking him.

'Please please make it in time'
Stephen snorted

Never though he would willingly want the presence of the infuriating Violet Scarlett.

———————-3 days earlier

"So ladies what have you got?" Violet leaned back facing the three girls in front of her.

"Well we can just tell you now that you're theory wasn't based on jealousy" Catherine stated while I gave the three of them a smug smile. They all knew they would never hear the end of it.

Since Nathan and the others never believed me on my suspicions towards Claire I got the girls to do a little digging.

They were wary about it having the same thoughts as the others but after spying and gathering information on her throughout these months it brings us here.

"Alright what proof do we have to expose her?" I smirked. I don't think Nathan will be so fond of her after this. She must take me as blind to not see her liking towards him.

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