Chapter 28

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“You know I don’t appreciate you stalking my sister” Alayna spoke raising an eyebrow.

 “Why jealous?” the demon smirked making Damon growl and wrap his arms around her protectively.

 “No its plain creepy you tried to watch her take a shower!” Alayna shouted glaring at him.

 “So that force field wasn’t by chance” The demon muttered as some of the other demons snickered.

 It’s true, I’ve been feeling him around for the past month since I saw him, he’s ability must have been to blend into anything since he blended into the shadows and anywhere else blocking he’s scent. He’s ability explains how I didn’t smell them earlier.

 “Dude before you die I’ll give you some advice, stalking is one thing stalking them and trying watching them shower is way beyond creepy” Derek scowled planning many ways to kill him. I must say I approve of the long painful ones.

 “Perv” one of the female demons muttered making more demons snickered.

 “I know right and for that you get to live longer” I spoke making her snarl at me. “Unless you get in an unfortunate accident” I smirked as my shadows sneaked behind her grabbing her making her scream before tearing her apart. The other demons jumped out of the way as more shadows came. Not a good idea to stand near the dark side of the clearing.

 Alayna bended the light grabbing two more demons making them scream in contact from her purifying light. Or the light side, in other words they shouldn’t stand anywhere.

 I took out one of my guns and tossed it to Katy who appearently forgot to bring hers. That gun contains bullets with holy water, no not the ones the priests ‘blest’. That’s total shit, true holy water is water purified well that’s what we call it for short but they’re really casted a spell on by a light witch, they purify crosses too.

 I released my claws and went at the little perverted demon. He smirked as he saw me launching at him and brought out his own claws. I slapped one of his hands away as he tried to claw at me and clawed at his stomach before kicking him in the same spot making him hiss in pain as he flew against a tree breaking it.

I looked at the black liquid in my hand and scrunched my face in disgust. I you think demons smell back you should smell their blood, tastes worst too, learned that the hard way.

 I dodged a punch as he came back at me and jumped as he swiped his foot trying to make me lose balance. I landed shifting my foot before turning around my arm blocking his foot as he tried to round kick me and round kicked him in the same place making him hiss louder as he flew away from the force.

 Just because demons can fight even with wounds and missing body parts they still feel pain. The demon got up cuddling is side glaring at me while I just smirked. He glanced at something before smirking himself

 ‘Oh great’ my wolf muttered.

 “Violet look-“ Ashly didn’t get to finish her sentence as I ducked just in time as that demon girl who said they were looking for a snack tried to punch me. As I ducked I balanced myself with my two hands before swiping my foot out making  her lose her balance, I switched my right hand behind me to balance me as I continued turning giving a high kick at the upcoming demon that was sneaking up on me.

 ‘They’re getting annoying now’ my wolf stated as I flipped away. 

 ‘No kidding’ I answered her. The two demons got up glaring at me the boy holding the same spot I hit over flinching in pain, huh what are the odds.

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