Chapter 12

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Violet (Paige pic)

we left the hotel two days later towards the Tritan pack.  the other pack members arrived along with our vehicles.

I left my car in Derek's care, well we pretty much share it already anyway and I left my motorcycle in Ashly's care. like I said those girls somehow persuade me to do things I really dont want to.

so after a few threats and promises I let her go, soon enough everyone was hitting the road and I watched as they faded nto the distance along with the truck carrying the vault.

I sighed going into the forest behind the hotel and shifted into my wolf.

'feels good to finally be out' my wolf howled as I ran full speed ahead towards the pack house.

those idiots have no one patrolling their territory.  even if they were all they would see was a blur not even sensing my presence since I got rid of my smell and aura.

What I'm really worried about is rogues sneaking in, I dont want my pack to die because of their foolisheness. My wolf growled in agreement.

Soon I reached the pack house just as the others pulled over I shifted back and stayed in the shadows or more like became the shadows.

I watched as the introductions were being made.

Trent walked up to them Paige by his side towards my pack "welcome Dark Moon, I am alpha Trent of the Tritan pack" a couple of my pack glared but I told them stop in the pack link. 

"this is my beta Luke, my delta James and his mate Francesca" they all stepped up as their names were called. "last but not least my luna Paige." he pulled her closer to him.

looks like Paige is still a slut, Luke looks pretty much the same and James, what a pretty little mate you've got there.

I couldn't help but lick my lips picturing torturing his right in front of him. Screaming in agony watching helplessly as the life in her eyes drained away his sanity along with it.

' I thought we got rid of that bloodlust of yours?' Derek asked teasingly in the mind link. oops forgot to put my walls down. I looked over and saw most of the pack members paled, I hate scaring them like this.

'you know I feel it once in a while' I sighed.

"where's your beta?" Trent asked looking around. did I miss something?

'yes' my wolf chuckled. oh well.

"well she's busy?" Jake more like asked. gee thanks Jake, I looked at Trent and saw he was a little shocked. I read his mind  he doesn't know where his own beta is? well thats a shock.

please at least he can run a pack way better than you. I rolled my eyes still watching them.

"oh you're not fooling anyone" Alayna rolled her eyes. What are you doing Alayna. I thought as I stared at her suspiciously.

"hey there Alayna" Ashly went to hug her along with Katy.

"yeah yeah" Alayna pushed them off. "when are you going to come out?" she spoke out towards the edge of the forest, where I was.

I'm not surprise she knows where I am since we have a bond so eventhought  I pretty much make myself invisible to others she'll still sense me.

But what is she doing? she's blowing my cover.

'maby if you ignore her she'll leave it be' my wolf suggested.

"well" she put her hands on her hips still speaking towards the edge of the forest where I was. well that went down the drain, you are so paying sis.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now