Chapter 34

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Trent groaned as his wolf became wrestless.

Trent took a deep breath hoping to calm him and his wolf and closed his eyes only for them to snap open as a loud growl sounded in his head.

‘Well not like I was asleep anyway’ He scowled mentally at his wolf who just growled back. He really couldn’t sleep thought, he couldn’t get Violet out of his head and how he could make up for everything. Become the mated they were meant to be had it not been for his stupid mistakes.

Trent would no longer let anyone else manipulate his thoughts and actions, he was the alpha and he should make his own decisions, he will make his own decisions. He learned by now letting others think for him only leads to trouble and he learned it the hard way costing him the love of his life.

He may have a chance now but if he stays the weak person he was before letting others control his decisions he may never get the chance again.

I think that’s what made Violet a great alpha despite her heartless attribute. She makes the decisions but not based solely on her or one other person but the whole pack but she doesn’t let them sway her decisions.

Trent was brought out of his thoughts as he heard his wolf growl louder this time making his head pound as he growled.

‘Mine’ His wolf growled before unexpectedly pushing towards the surface gaining control.

‘What the heck has been with you lately’ Trent called out from the back of his head trying to regain control while his wolf just ignored him.

‘Mine’ he sniffed the air looking for her scent.

Catching her trail his wolf smirked his canine in full view giving away who was now present.

Trent watched confused from the back of his head as he watched his wolf trail after Violet’s smell.

‘I will not lose to that scum demon’ His wolf growled out lowly that even Trent didn’t hear it before his wolf shifted taking off into the night.

 As the duo passed they didn’t sense the presence lingering in the kitchen. He smirked before his eyes glowed a pure blue before he disappeared in a flash of light.


“Nathan?” Violet raised an eyebrow at the man before her while he just shrugged.

“That is my name” Violet just stared at him blankly as he continued smirking.

“I thought your name was-“

“Naberious?” he cut me off his smirk vanishing.

“It’s what the witches called me back in the days. Honestly they were so judgy” He scowled at the last part.

“Looks like the name stuck throughout the century, heck even my own demons call me that” He said chuckling before smirking. “Besides Nathan is much sexier”

Violet blinked at his explanation before blurting out “How old are you?” Violet gasped before covering her lips.

‘What the heck was that?!’

‘What we were both thinking it’ her wolf shrugged while Violet scowled inwardly at her.

‘That’s all you got from his explanation?’

‘No’ Violet went to sigh before her wolf cut her off

“Nathan is sexier then Naberious’ Violet growled lowly even if it was true her wolf barely noticed the important things.

‘I did’ her wolf demanded.

‘And what would that be?’ Violet asked smugly.

‘Those witches are too judgmental for their own good I mean look at him he’s hot. How can they name him something that means evil?’ He wolf said thoughtfully.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now