Chapter 37

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I smirked at the vampires in front of me who all scowled at their lost.

It’s been a week since we let the vampires come into the territory and live nearby. I talked to them myself, not all of them are that bad and trouble makers but just in case I threatened to slowly and painfully strip them of their fangs.

Just to be sure I also threatened to curse them so that any drop of blood would be repulsive and use one of them for the spell. I don’t know what’s worst; not being able to get blood at all or not being able to digest it. Either way I’m dying for one of them to take on my threats.

What? I never really casted that kind of curse before, never have a reason or…. Or test subjects. Plus I wanted to see the outcomes.

I’m pretty sure I’ll get a lot more test subjects after I’ll of this is over.

“You cheated” One of the female vampires hissed. Right now we were all training, I decided to train the vampires while Alayna took over for my previous groups.

I know Alayna?! Trust me that girl can be lethal and be the coach from hell, by that I mean her wolf. I bet she’s having a field day right now, it’s been a while since she’s been let out.

I tuned the packs mind hearing groans and complain. Glad to know their being tortured even if I’m not the one doing it.

I yelled in surprise as I was tackled and went to get my knife in my shorts- don’t ask only for my hands to be grabbed and locked.

I groaned as I saw who was straddling me. “Get off of me Grant”

“Why I quite like this position” He smirked his eyes trailing my lips. I huffed and went to push him off when a loud possessive growl came over the clearing. A few hiss came after that while I rolled my eyes.

“Oh shut up all of you” I pushed Grant off of me and stood dusting myself to see Trent and few of the vampires glaring at him.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Trent growled. I rolled my eyes, he does know I’m not his doesn’t he.

“The same thing I did when she wouldn’t have sex with me to make you feel the same pain you’ve made her feel for years and cleanse her from those disgusting rogues; making a move on her” He said it all in one breath considering he doesn’t really need to breathe.

But I just want to wring his neck because now I’m going to have to calm Trent down by touching him.

 Trent growl shaking his eyes totally black. “Mine!” He exclaimed before launching at Grant shifting midway.

 I stood there leaning on a tree drinking from a bottle of vodka.

Don’t ask and do not judge okay! I’m stressed.

You have no idea how many fights I had to separate this past week, most of them complement of Paige. She seems to like going against the Vampires and gloat at how superior she as wolf is to bloodsucking vamps. If you ask me they would be superior considering their centuries old.

‘Yet her brain can’t comprehend it’ my wolf snickered.

I’m afraid that they’ll kill her in her sleep one day, suck her dry. Ha-ha Nah.

I’m really afraid they’ll consider joining the other vampires who allied with the demons. I mean one of the reasons was that they wanted to be superior or something like that.

Either way I could use a break.

I sighed finally finished with my bottle before hurling it at Grant

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