Chapter 60

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I groaned seeing the situation I got myself into.

Jake, Ashly, Katie and the dark moon pack surrounded me. "Please Violet we don't want to hurt you." I sighed and shook my head. "You've already hurt me and you still are. Look at this massacre, you're going against my mate and my family."

"Were your family-"

"So are they, their like me, misunderstood and misguided. They understand me just as I understand them, they were there for me when you couldn't. When you weren't able to take it they did, they accept my true nature, my true self and support me when I needed it. They don't judge or try to completely change me into something I'm not." I breathed in watching their reaction.

"You guys are my family also, you protect your own and try to make everything better the way you only know how to. You're my pack and the wolves are my people and I'm not letting anyone say otherwise." With that I quickly shifted taking them by surprise before letting out a long howl at the approaching night.

Everyone froze and combining turned towards me. Summoning my power I broke through all of though wolves and light witches mind before summoning my blood control powers.

'Enough!' I commanded making any remaining movement and attacks stop from them pack wolves and rogues.

'You are not to attack, you are not to fight. This war is over!' I looked around and narrowed my eyes at dark witches, vampires, and demons who were going to take the opportunity to attack before breaking into their minds.

'You are not to fight attack, or kill unless you are defending yourselves.' I commanded making most growl and hiss. I growled back warningly making most whimper before shifting back.

"That, is a good idea and you are hot when you take charge." Nathan's arm around me making me purr in content.

"It was and if I' right than only two people would be left with free will should be-" A bright light appeared before Augustine and Alayna appeared. "-Them. Hey there sis." I smirked only to get a blank look back making it falter. Damn it Alayna wake up.

"Sir Augustine"


Various calls came from the light witches and pack wolves.

Augustine took the scene of frozen bodies together before his maddened eyes lit up in anger, "What have you done." He hissed towards us. I smirked. "What good powerful daughter of the moon goddess if I couldn't overpower my people?" He gave me a glare before turning towards Alayna.

"Good thing of have one of my own. Alayna."

"Break." Alayna commanded with power however only the witches were able to break free of my command not the wolves who were all quite confused might I add. My smirk widened as Augustine began to look frustrated when Alayna tried again and it didn't work. "Why aren't the wolves responding?!"

"How could they, you took away Alayna's wolf and with that her alpha title and the ability to command the wolves. As of now her power only reaches out to the witches which is sadly under your control. Aren't you wondering how the real Alayna is doing in there?" T unbalance of it all could kill her. I hope Dracula has a good plan for this, why else he would have Damon with him?

"Though I'm wondering how they will react when they all figure out your true purpose and what you've done to Alayna to gain it." I faked gasped. "Oh wait I just did." I gave him an evil grin gesturing towards the packs and light witches who stared at Augustine in confusion, betrayal and anger.

Augustine growled. "I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance, but I'll let someone else do the job." He gestured towards Alayna who conjured ball of light which transformed into a sword of pure light lighting up the approaching night.

My eyes narrowed on the sword feeling my witch hiss at the amount of pure light and good coming for it. "You may be stronger than me in magic as of now." I summoned the shadows around us. They began taking form in my hand into a double edge sword unlike Alayna's sharp and smooth sword. "But I'm stronger physically." My eyes glowed red as my wolf came forwards, my claws came free and my form grew and became buffer. My ears grew sharper and canines lengthened.

'Let's do this together'


'Let's save our sister.'

It seemed to be deadly silent as everyone moved back as we faced off.

Alayna as blank as ever brought her sword to her side before launching at me. I bought my growed up to block hers the friction causing sparks to fly.

I growled at the feeling of being close to light and she didn't look like she was loving being near my sword either.

She quickly jumped back before launching for another attack. She's fast. I blocked another blow from her before going for a blow on my own at her side. She quickly blocked it and I spun into a round kick at her other side making her stumble back.

Our eyes narrowed at each other before we launched at each other exchanging blows. "Wake up sis I don't want to have to hurt you." I smirked and jumped back in surprise as she sent a ball of light with her other hand when she struck.

I jumped out of the way the attack barely grazing me. I hissed feeling my skin burn a little. "Oh so were going there." I growled.

We exchanged blows one after another becoming more ruthless and more frantic trying to get an upper hand.

And finally one of us did- and it wasn't me.

I gasped when she kicked my legs out and I lost my footing. I caught myself but I was too late, my slip gave her the opening she needed.

I closed my eyes and waited for the blow to come but it never did. I heard gasps and snapped my eyes open and gasped seeing familiar blond locks. "Stephen what...." I trailed off in shock.

From the back I could see the tip of the sword sticking out from his back, right where his heart was supposed to be.

Gasps and rasped words came from Stephen's lips as his hand glowed a blue hue and he placed it on Alayna's chest where her heart was. I growled when I saw it burn and draw blood and Alayna began screaming pulling the sword from his chest ,moving back from him, holding the blood covered sword with one hand and her chest with the other.

Stephen's body with no support fell back his eyes dimming staring up at the full moon.

"I did it." He whispered.

"I set her wolf free." Those were his last words as Alayna's pained scream echoed and her sword disappeared in a burst of light.

She dropped to her knees and that's when I heard a bone crack before she fully shifted into her pure white wolf howling at the moon in joy.

I stared in shock before a smile lit my face as I met with familiar blue warm blue jewels instead of blank ones.


Everyone's burst of happiness stopped as all turned towards Augustine.


What's up my people

Enjoying the book? If you say no Violet's going to get you

But yes we are nearing the Epilogue. Gasp

Two or three more chapters

I hope you read my last note

Check out my other new book (Which is going to be short because I want to publish it quickly.) Angela

Don't forget to visit me on bookrix, Beky Cybille

I'm posting the sample here along with Violet's Scarlett on wattpad, make sure to check it out on bookrix for the rest.

You'll find everything (Both books) on my profile.

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