Chapter 44

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“What do you mean she escaped?!” The vampire seethed hissing making the light witch cower from where he kneeled before the original council that now glowered at him.

“She escaped with Naberious’s help” The light witch spoke cautiously.

The elder werewolf growled while the vampire once again hissed. “He will not give up will he?” The demon chuckled from the shadows before revealing himself.

The light witch stood making sure not to make any eye contact with them.

“It looks like we will have to resort to-“the dark witch paused coming to his side “desperate measures once again” She chuckled darkly making the light witch shiver.

“W-what do you mean by that” The light witch cursed himself for stuttering, these kind of people aren’t the kind you show weakness to.

The vampire simply chuckled. “No need to ponder over it young one” She stated.

“It’s quite simple really, we need the one person who even has a slim chance at going toe to toe Violet” The werewolf spoke nonchalantly. “She just needs a good reason which I’m sure you’ll be able to come up with” He grinned maliciously baring his canines.

The light witch gulped. “You want me to turn her own sister against her?”

“Of course” A man with light features revealed himself. “It may seem cruel but it’s the only way to bring peace” The man spoke softly as the light witch stared in aww and respect.

“Of course sire” He bowed while everyone else silently snickered at the fact that he is easily influenced by a man who is supposedly a bringer of light. Light witch or no he is the worst of them all.

“Make sure you succeed, you would not want to become a failure like your father would you Stephen” The dark witch said darkly making him wince.

“Of course not” With that he disappeared in a flash of light before another man entered the room.

“Make sure everything goes as plan Richard, we cannot afford any more mistakes.” The vampire stated making a smirk came to his face.

“Of course not, I hope to rid of not only Naberious but Violet Scarlett” He spat both their names with hate and disgust making everyone stare at him in amusement at his petty hate.

“Fine with us just leave her sister to us” The light witch stated charmingly before shooing him.

Silence over took the chamber once again as everyone were indulged into their thoughts.

“Well” the light witch spoke getting everyone attention.

“Let’s hope history doesn’t repeat itself ladies and gentlemen” He raised a glass he made appear while everyone else followed his lead.

He looked around at his comrades each of their own species and head of their own council as they each came from the first and original council of their time.

The werewolf, the demon, the vampire, the dark witch and finally him the light witch, the one who started this all as they would barely know it.

“Let’s end this in this century shall we” a smirk made a way to his lips as everyone else.

“Lets” The dark witch smirked before drinking from her glass.



I blinked in confusion.

“The original council?”

He glared at the wall before sighing turning back to me.

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