Chapter 25

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It all started centuries ago. the moon godess wasn't always the moon godess. she was a kind soul, she was one of the most powerful light witchs. her name was Aileen.

she fell in love with the first Alpha, Alpha Filtiarn. however many didn't approve of their love so there were many conspiracies against them. No matter what they were inseperable. soon enough they gave birth to two twin girls. Many thought that they should not exist, they were half wolf and half witch, both powerful.

anyway so some werewolves and witches banded together to try and kill the sisters but ended up killing their parents instead, however they left a gift for their daughters. Aileen, became a goddess because of her pure heart, she gave her daughters all her powers. One twin the power of light, the other the power of darkness as they balance each other out."

The moon godess also gave a gift to the werewolf and witch society, mates. she wanted others to experience the love She and Filtiarn experienced. soon enough she watched over mates also matching them.

Alpha Filtian gift to his daughters was his pack. both girls got his pack, which was the first and only pack to ever exist which became two packs. One for the Light twin the first and only pure white wolf , and the other for the Dark twin the first and only pure black wolf. Alpha Filtian is said to be watching over the packs and shoosing the ones he believes are worthy to become alpha's, because the twins died out after a threat rose, killing them both. Despite them being killed thought, peace was restored and packs were made across the world.

well every one hundred years, the twins are reborn. they are direct descendents of the moon godess and when they are reborn, they are sent back to Earth to their seperate original packs.

My mate.

Is one of the stongest wolves on Earth. One of the legendary wolves.

What else am I going to find out Derek is her secret mate? does she have a second mate?! She's mine!

'ours' my wolf corrected me. yes ours.

Wait I'm getting offtrack.

Why did Violet's elders accuse my father of treason against her. Did he do anything to her? no it can't be other than the fact he made her the omega but she cant make a case out of that.

Then what is she talking about?

"dad?" I stared at him confused.

"this is madness!" My dad burst, color coming back to his face. I just stared shocked at his outburst, he sounded defensive....

"madness you say?" Violet raised one of her perfect eyebrow not effected by his outburst.

"yes madness, we all know you have it out for me Violet and this is one of your lies for you're revenge." My father stated smirking. Sure they've been at each others throats eversince they saw each other but revenge?

"and why on Earth would I want revenge Steve?" Violet asked innocently but I know under that facade she is smiling, a sinister smile. I dont know how I know I just do, guess its a mate thing.

"I-because-you know-" my dad stuttered paling a little. Why does she want revenge? judging by my fathers reaction he knows why.

'kill him for hurting mate' My wolf growled fighting for control. wow and I thought wolves were protective of their own especially familly, I guess their mates mean that much to them.

I felt sadness at that thought, its a shame I rejected her when she meant so much to me, even if I didn't know it.

"because I ranked you an omega" I snapped out of my thoughts as my fasther finally found his answer.

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