Chapter 41

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I stared up at the ceiling in the room Drac provided for me. It’s pretty much my room since I stay here every time I need to let go.

Groaning I shut my eyes.

I can’t believe I’m falling for a literal demon.

‘A hot demon’ my wolf commented while I narrowed my eyes.

‘The demon king’

‘You’re point is?’ she raised an eyebrow while I just groaned.

‘This is bound to be a recipe for disaster’

‘Heh not like we wouldn’t attract trouble sooner or later anyway’ She shrugged while I just sulked knowing she was right. But seriously, the demon king!

‘What about Trent?’ I asked the question that’s been bugging me for sometimes now. I mean were bonded as soul mates, sure I blocked it but you can’t really escape something like that. I’m surprise it was as easy or so to block it for this amount of time.

‘To hell with him’ my wolf rolled her eyes before narrowing it at me ‘unless you actually want him over Nathan’

I laughed a little at that ‘you’re funny of course not’

‘So you admit you want Nathan’ she said smugly while I cursed.

‘Sneaky little- I thought you were over this’ I growled.

‘I know I just want you to admit it, maybe we could have a make out session one day” She sighed dreamily.

‘Goodnight’ I groaned.


“So you want me to help out with your spell?” I raised an eyebrow.

“In a way yes I just need you to get rid of any remaining rogues, demons, or vampires on our territory so we have no troubles-“He stopped glancing at me. “Oh don’t look at me like that we both know you’ll enjoy it”

I couldn’t help the smirk coming to my lips. “I guess, I’ll need to let out some magic anyway.” I shrugged while he just rolled his eyes.

“Whatever you have 4 hours, have fun kiddo” Did I ever tell you he was an awesome grandpa? He basically handed over to me a torture buffet, sure with a time limit but hey still a dream come true.

Besides I need to let some stress out.

------------------- 4 hours later

I licked the blood of my nails before gagging at the taste.

Him being a rogue should have been the first hint, should have saved that last vampire blood’s I killed, taste much better than the demons and rogue I encountered.

Dark witches are sometimes bloodthirsty.

It probably has something to do with the fact that it helps rejuvenate us and some original dark witches have managed to get their hands on the single spell that can make us dark witches immortal.

Drac is the one from what I know is keeping it for safe keeping. Anymore witches gaining immortality only needing a number of sacrifices and a series of blood every ten years would be disastrous.

 I felt my eyes turn back to its original color from my witch’s Violet ones.

Yes Violet, my eyes turn different colors for the different sides of me. Obviously I have gray blue eyes while my wolf has red eyes that appear when I get angry and once I tap into my witch’s side my eyes turn a dark Violet.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now