Chapter 54

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It's been a day since we came from the underworld.

And Nathan won't let me out of his sight to go on with my plan to save Alayna damn it!

Don't get me wrong I love him and we've been found in way too many compromising positions way too many times- Waayy too many times.

But I really want to help my sister. Sure she's very..... Unique in her own insulting way towards me but she means well. Although her judgment is off it's because of her innocence and way too goodness stuffed inside her. In other words I blame mom, she gave birth to us.

We still don't know who's older.......

Yeah, I owe it to her to save her from whatever Augustine is doing to her. I know Nathan wants to protect me and I can't imagine the pain of losing your soul mate so many times but my sister and I have a bond.

I know Augustine isn't planning on killing her, it would also kill me and save him much work. No, he must be planning something way worst.

Something that will make everyone else hate me when the countdown is finished, more they hate me now that is.

I honestly don't get what the deal is. Can't a girl live and enjoy the darker side of life. I'm pretty sure they would start to enjoy it as I did.

But that's not the point here. Actually what was my original point?

My wolf snickered. 'How Nathan won't let you out of his sights.'

'Yeah, but you're on my side right? As much as we love him and the mate bond is getting stronger, we can't deny the need to save our sisters' my wolf sighed her conflicted emotions matching mines. 'I honestly don't know but either way it seems like were walking into our deaths, all four of us.'

I growled in frustration.

I have no plan whatsoever and I only have one day to save Alayna. I do know one thing though, I have a bad feeling in my gut.

"Done trying to find a way to sneak off." I groaned feeling Dracula's presence. "No, I just need to- wait why am I telling you this?" I huffed.

"Don't know probably I'm a very sensible person to talk to." That made me snort. Last time he was disrespected Dracula made the person's nightmare come to life and tormented the poor guy for a whole month. Yet people think I'm bad.

Dracula chuckled sitting next to me by the window. "All fun aside, you do know how dangerous this will become right?" I sighed watching a storm beginning getting stronger by the minute.

"Yeah but what other choice do I have?" Dracula sighs. "You have many choices in life but it depends how you view it and the outcome." I stayed silent getting what her means.

"So I have to do the one with the best outcome, not only for me but everyone?" Yeah I'm going straight out and say I am not selfless. No, I'm as selfish as I could be and selfless for only a few.

Yeah I may be born to save these people but it's more like a job. I barely care for anyone other than my pack and we all know how that ended.

"Well yeah and what you decide what you will choose and the effect it will have on those around you." Dracula advised before rising. "Better make sure you make it quick Violet because time is running out as are your choices." With that Dracula left Violet buried in her thoughts.


"Shit." Derek cursed moving his body to shield Maya who was shaking in fear.

Cecil's cackled rang out. "Thought you could hide from us? How naïve." She sneered while Derek tensed ready for any surprises in their hiding place.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now