Chapter 35

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I sighed making my way towards the clearing where all three packs were ready for training.

I couldn’t help but feel different today.

‘It’s called happiness genius” my wolf rolled her eyes at me but I simply ignored her.

Happiness? I haven’t felt happiness trued happiness in so long that I’ve even forgotten how it felt.  All the work one simple man, who knew another encounter with him would get to her like this.

Yet she was still afraid, afraid of her reaction towards him and his origin.

“Morning Violet” Alayna skipped towards her blond ponytail swinging side to side. She could pass up as a typical cheerleader if she wanted, a less bitchy one.

“Morning” I answered her bored trying to keep the happiness out of my voice while she stared at me weirdly.

“What?” I raised an eyebrow while she continued to stare.

“Nothing-it’s just that- nothing” She shook her head before walking away.

Shrugging I turned towards the waiting pack members, clapping my hands I got everyone’s attention.

“Ok let’s begin.”


400 laps, 600 pushups and 900 sit ups later.

I watched as the pack members struggled to finish the last of their pushups.

Sighing I got up from the grass that I watched the pack members from when I finished my share of warm up.

“You guys can take a beak” I waved them off going towards the coolers containing water stooping when I heard gasps.

I turned back to see everyone staring at me in shock. “What?” I rolled my eyes.

“Did you just say we could take a ‘break’” Derek spoke emphasizing break while I just stared at them in annoyance.

“Yes I did what of it?” I spoke starting to get annoyed.

 “You never let us take a break”

“Like never” Alayna picked up on Derek’s statement.

I rolled my eyes at their claims. “You guys are over reacting.”

“No were not most of the time we literally have to beg for a break-“

“Literally on our knees too considering we can barely get up” Trent cut Alayna off giving me a pointed look along with the other pack members especially the Tritans.

I can’t be that bad.

‘Uh yew we are, were pretty much in a bad mood all the time and take it out on them’ my wolf chuckled. ‘Kind of good for them if you ask me they become better fighters so…. win win for us.’ She giggled while I just rolled my eyes.

“Yeah whatever if you don’t want you’re break we can just keep going until you do beg” I smirked as I saw a look of horror overcome their faces.

“Were good”

“Yeah we’ll just be going”

Everyone shuffled toward the coolers sighing in relief.

I rolled my eyes and tensed when I felt a disgusting presence.

“Why are you here Stephen” I growled turning towards the smirking bob of blonde.

“Nothing just loitering around” He shrugged while I just scowled at him.

“Well you’re loitering is making my skin crawl can you offer yourself to a demon?” I sneered. I can be really straight forward when I can be.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now