Chapter 30

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Put your thinking cap on you're gonna need it

"Yes sires" The young light witch bowed before the two powerful men and woman in front of him.

"The girl has made contact with him" The head spoke straight the point. The young light witch lifted he's eyes in shock at the news. "So soon?" He spoke masking his surprise and he's growing worry.

"Yes although for a little while but I have no doubt they will come to contact with each other in the future" The woman spoke in a smooth sugarcoated tone that made her more terrifying other than her origin. The young light witch almost shivered but contained himself.

"It crucial they do not make contact again." The men from the head's right spoke.

"They have not been together for more than 2000 years and we intend to keep it so" The men on he's left spoke while the woman giggled twisting her blond locks between her fingers.

"Many are getting suspicious, if this goes on we won't be covered for long" The woman pouted before her eyes narrowed into slits making the young Light witch shiver "we cannot let history repeat itself once again, it has happened too many times already" Her eyes grew cold as she stared ahead as if reliving something along with the others.

It makes the young light witch wonder how they know of so much that have happened for the past 2000 years in such fine detail. They are not more than 200 years old or so he thinks but he knows better than to voice he's thoughts.

"Every 100 years he is getting even closer to her, but now he is to close for any more comfort" The man to the head's right spoke sternly.

"Those two together are very dangerous not only to the supernatural world but all worlds" The woman spoke stopping twisting her locks for a moment. "They cannot be together no matter what" she hissed in clear distaste startling the young witch from her change of mood. The young light witch nodded in understanding of the danger.

"You will go and ensure they do not come in contact" The head man spoke staring into the young light witch's eyes making him suppress a shiver.

"I understand but if I may ask how do I ensure this successfully" He spoke determinedly.

"Whatever you must but make sure you bring her and make sure to bring her closer to the restoration, use him if it comes to it. As long as she doesn't come in contact with that filthy demon" By the end she was hissing the last part before taking a breath to calm herself returning to twisting her locks.

"I trust you will be able to come up with a plan and succeed your task" The head spoke.

"I understand I will do my best" The young light witch bowed his head as power begin leaking from them.

"Oh my boy, your best is not enough you need a lot more to be able to fight against fate" The head chuckled before they all broke into laugher power suffocating the room.

《 《-《-《- Earlier that day


“A toast to you all not being that much of an asshole” I raised my cup before drowning the contents while many others just shrugged ignoring my statement chugging theirs also.

It’s officially been two months since this alliance was formed and I’m still hating it. At least they’ve gotten better at training and personalities I guess.

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