Chapter 58

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Everything was dark.

Unlike the light I was used to there was no light other than the one ball sized I held in my palms.

I feel weak and drained, my connection with my wolf feels weak while my connection with my witch is as strong as ever sending my body in turmoil at the lack of balance between the two.

I should have saw the signs I should have.

Derek warned me as did Damon, Merideth heck even Trent and Paige warned me but I didn't listen blinded by not their true nature but who they were and were supposed to be.

Light witches are supposed to be creatures of light and justice and peace. That was what I learned and it blinded me from the truth of what they've become.

Yes they do have the power of light but they are not using it for peace or justice. Their power doesn't shape who they are their actions do and now I see the truth. Yes everyone does have light in them but it can be misused and the true purpose could be lost.

I forgot my purpose.

My purpose to guide others and help, not sit on the sideline judging what's right and what's not thinking my power gave me the right over others and my kind nature made me better than my sister, the better half of the moon

If anything I was the opposite. Yes my sister has blood thirst and torture issues but she's also been doing her part. I tried to suppress her nature, change her into something she wasn't, heck I even tried to keep her away from her mate and that's about the worst thing I've ever done.

Following blindly never accessing the situation.

Violet if you can hear me from this cold and dark place, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything.

Please save everyone because this isn't only my show, it's also yours. I'm not the only one who could be the hero.

And please-



Nathan's patience was thinning, even Alistair could see that. His attack were getting more brutal, he wouldn't last long like this. Luckily he didn't have to.

He smirked when he felt a familiar presence "Well cousin, it's been fun but I value my life so toddles." And that was how a temperamental demon king went on a killing rampage.

"This better be good, my brother can hold a killer and torturous grudge it's only a matter of time before he tracks me down." Alistair appeared next to Augustine who simply gave him a blank stare. Sensing a difference Alistair's guard went up.

"All it matters is that you've done your job, I knew you would make sufficient bate to lure him. You've been good use to me." Alistair felt his blood run cold at the look in his eyes. "Wait what?"

"You've served your purpose Alistair, I will need just one last thing from you." Alistair howled in pain as his head begin to hurt and his emotions were going wild- so wild it hurt. It was than when he looked up from the ground he met the blank gaze of Alayna before meeting Augustine's gaze.

"You bastard, you crazy bas-"

Augustine stared down at his burning cheek where he struck him as he added light unto his physical hit. "I've had enough of you. You hope your cousin kills you when this is over because I won't be so lenient." Augustine gave him a sinister grin before turning towards Alayna with a smile.

"So beautiful." He reached out he ran his hand through her hair. He stopped as he got to the edge grabbing hold of it pulling her gently. "Keep him down, when Nathan comes and find him, kill him if you fail use your sister as bait but don't kill her." He released her hair running the back of his hand on her cheek before lightly grabbing her chin.

"I need her alive if we can be together. You want that don't you?" He released her chin lightly running his hand over her color bone while Alayna nodded not one emotion shown her face.

"Good." He kissed the back of her palm. "Don't fail me."

"And as for you Alit-"He turned where Alistair once was only to find him gone. Augustine growled any gentleness gone as he grabbed Alayna by the neck pulling her towards him. "Find him." He commanded before he was gone in a flash of light.

Alayna took a step towards the raging battle before she was stopped by someone calling her name as he finally came out from his hiding spot. "Alayna?"

Alayna turned to meet bright blue eyes that were now dull and dirty matted blond hair. "S-stephen?" Alayna struggle to say his name.

Stephen studied her from her fading blue eyes to her hair which seems to be turning white, then his gaze dropped to the bruise on her neck. "Alayna what has he done to you." Stephen tried not to cry but traitorous tears still escaped.

"Who? Should you not be going into battle?" She seems confused at his presence.

Looking into her eyes he could see no hint of the Alayna he knew. A small whimper made him jump.

Alayna's wolf has been quiet for some time now, it worried him especially how long she's been out of Alayna's body now it seems his worst fear has come true. Her witch is getting out of control without her wolf there to balance it and it seems Augustine is controlling it.

He's no longer trying to contain her wolf but being separated from Alayna for so long she's too weak to make it back herself. If only he knew how to return her wolf to her.

Alayna stared at him for a while before turning around. "I must go complete my task." With that she disappeared in a flash of light leaving a helpless Stephen containing her weak wolf.

Stephen cried out in pain as a hand grabbed his neck from behind dragging him before he found himself into a forest and 'hugging' a tree. Painfully. Stephen groaned in pain as he was grabbed by the neck once again and held against the tree bark digging into his back.

"So are you willing to fix your mistakes?" Stephen looked up to meet Dracula's gaze shocked before nodding cautiously. "No matter the cost." He narrowed his eyes at him which flashed red momentarily. Stephen nodded and didn't keep his stare off of him as he lowered him to the ground releasing his grip.

Stephen's hand instantly went to touch his neck feeling the bruise forming and man did his body hurt. "He's all yours Damon."

Stephen jumped when Damon suddenly appeared beside him putting a hand on his shoulder. He seemed different somehow, his aura was more powerful and it seemed to have something light but different than those of a light witch. His features seemed to change into something other worldly and he seems to glow. He is not making any sense right now, he hit the tree harder than he thought.

"Go quickly my brother is getting closer." Damon nodded before Stephen suddenly found himself somewhere else.

"What the-"he turn to look back at Damon and cried in shock moving back.

He- he had wings.

No he really had big angel looking wings spreading from his back.

Damon held a hand out to him narrowing his eyes. "It's time to do what is right for not only my mate but the world." It suddenly began raining- no pouring as lightning struck way too low and way too close for his comfort.

"The question is, will you die for it?"

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