Chapter 56

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Dracula stood calmly as both sides charged and fought.

"I see you've been waiting." Dracula opened his eyes to meet Cecil's dark gaze tensing.



Silence came between them as they faced off battle raging as their background noise. Suddenly Dracula sighed relaxing once again. "Is my brother trying to insult me sending you as my opponent."

Cecil gritted her teeth in annoyance but knew he was right. He was equal to his twin brother and never had she been able to beat Augustine in a battle. It's like Augustine was sending her out to die. Wouldn't put it past him.

"No need to worry about her Dracula." A voice came from beside them.

Merideth approached them in all white contrasted to Cecil's dark attire her gaze on Cecil. "I'll take care of her." Cecil sneered glaring at Merideth.

"Just like you took care of me in the past big sister." Cecil's face twisted in rage while Merideth tried to reel in her temper. "I did nothing, you were your own downfall."

"Oh please you had everything to do with it. How's your new mate, is he still alive or did he die like all the others." Cecil stated smugly while Merideth's temper flared.

"Now there's one thing I cannot forgive, killing my past mate on your own jealous hatred. No one told you to sell your soul." Merideth raged on. "How does it feel living your life alone only as a tool to a madman little sister."

The smug look was instantly wiped off Cecil's face as she screeched. "It was all your fault!"

"This looks private." Dracula commented from where he stood forgotten by the two.

"Just find Violet." Merideth told him before dodging an attack from Cecil. "I'm going to knock some sense into you."

"I'd like to see you try." Cecil jeered while Merideth huffed. 'I'm going to need to knock her harder than I thought.'

Grant tore out another heart before decapitating another wolf. 'Sucks people are going to die but meh.'

Grant went to attack as he felt another presence beside him and went to face it before felt a blow on his ribs before he was sent back harshly.

"Hello child." A seductive voice came as Grant recovered. He got up only to meet the red eyes of a female vampire. There were many vampires here fighting for the other side but she felt different, she was more powerful.

"I take it you're Belvedere?" Belvedere smiled a malicious smile. "You are correct." Her eyes seemed to brighten as she scanned over him. "So you are the one who turned most vampires against us with the goal of becoming a coven master." She seemed to sneer the last part.

"I expected more, you are nothing but a child. It would be better if they all turned to me." Grant raise an eyebrow. "So you can trigger a bloody massacre, no thanks they stay with me." Grant said the last part with authority.

Belvedere's eyes narrowed at his challenge before she found what she was searching for. "That's no way to talk to your mother of many great's." She smiled maliciously while Grant's face turned to one of horror.

"That's bullshit vampires can't have children." He denied while Belvedere's smile widened. "That may be so but we sire those who turn that they might as well be our children, I can sense my venom within you and you must know what that means."

Grant's eyes narrowed with determination. "Then I'll just have to kill you in order to form my own coven." Belvedere's laugh rang out making him wince.

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