Chapter 8

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1 more year later


I could never forget the day I met Violet.

I was wondering in no man land avoiding other pack territories recovering from a fight with a couple of pack members. the way they treat rogues is sickening, how do you think they get all crazy. being on the run, in isolation no place to go does that to you. yeah we kill, but its pure self defense....most of the time.

I know there are truly bad rogues like they think out there. many who lost their mates who sank into pure wolf instincts. Like the ones who wiped out my pack and killed my mate. I've hated packs of rogues and other vicious rogues ever since then, I do kill but I never aloud myself to sink into pure wolf instincts and bloodlust.

So I was wondering around when I heard a scream with pain written all over it. Apperantly I wasn't the only one who heard it since a rogue got there before me. I never expected to see a girl on the ground in pain shifting when she looked about 15 or 16 years old. I knew she was special, I can still remember the legends and prophecy.

I saved her just in time as the rogue launched. I killed him and glanced at the girl to see her passed out and still wriggling in pain. She was very skinny, you could see her bones and not because they were rearranging. She looked beautiful notherless but who would hurt a girl like her. She's all bruised up.

I stayed there watching as she shifted. imagine my suprise when she shifted into a black wolf, well not really I knew she was important I just forgot which Legend or prophecy involved a shifter at 16. 

I dont know how but we kind of bonded like an instant connection. Her physical appearance changed her dried brown hair became silky black. seriously her hair was so soft I just couldn't stop touching it along with her fur. Her skin was spotless, no bruises left and her clear eyes that turns red when she's angry or her wolf is on the surface.

speaking of wolf mines pretty much bonded with hers. she's like a sister to me, we bonded over our pasts and our twisted sense humour. literally, we have a twisted sense of humour when we kill. I rubbed off on her along with her wolf.

Violet was a kind soul, putting herself before others enthusiastic and can make you smile at tough times, but her mate had to ruin it. I could do nothing but watch as her soul turned black and turned into the Violet I see today. Her eyes void of emotions unable to even feel pain from her physical  wounds. sometimes I get a glimps of the girl I first met but it became less and less before it was on special occasions for her to even show emotions. 

Sure my mate died but hers is alive destroying her from the inside. Her and her wolf turned to bloodlust and the thrill of killing to ease the pain. I couldn't bring myself to hate her, I know deep down no matter how numb she is she's hurting on the inside.

She is still my sister and I will protect her even if she thinks she doesn't need it. She needs someone to protect her from insanity. I'll be that person, her hold to sanity.

Speaking of sanity.

"I am going to kill that bastard of a mate" Violet grumbled to herself and many other profanities eyes a little red.

yeah you could say its one of the times where her mate gets it on, she is like a girl on period times 10 during that time. She is on edge her wollf close to the surface. 

I know it hurts like hell even thought she isn't showing it. Two years and it still isn't any better, whoever said it gets better is so wrong because I've got a PMS'ing girl and wolf to prove it. Let me tell you when Violet and her wolf agree on something, you better hope it does not involve killing. They will tear the place apart.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now