Chapter 39

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I lied awake in Damon’s arms still stuck in my thoughts.

I haven’t been able to get yesterday out of my head, all the harsh words I said to Violet. I felt guild, she had all the right to be angry at me I really shouldn’t have tried to mess with her life like that and do what I thought was best.

‘you were only trying to help sweetheart, besides you have blocked all your feelings and thoughts about it for too long it was bound to happen.’ My wolf spoke trying to sooth me.

My eyes narrowed at the ceiling ‘Isn’t her wolf angry at you for not trying to stop me?’

She chuckled not so heartedly ‘yeah but she can’t blame me. I’m sure her human has been battling her past and feelings that are starting to surface but she selfishly remains unaware of others feelings, those who care for her. She doesn’t sense the effect she has to people around her’ my wolf sighed sadly.

‘She has been through so much though, it must be hard to let anyone in and rid of the past feelings she had before-‘ I paused ‘she’s given up on herself and tries to keep on going though it’s all for the wrong reasons.’

‘From what all four of us are guilty’ my wolf mumbled. I felt confused ‘all four of us?’

‘Yeah, my sister isn’t really helping yours in her case. At least she doesn’t really realize it, she always lacked sympathy and understanding of others.’ My wolf sighed.

‘Violet’s her own human she’s supposed to understand her.’ I muttered confused.

‘You haven’t really met her wolf. Besides both may look like their own the same page but there both on different ones, they don’t have a connection like we do’ my wolf stated seriously. I know I haven’t really communicate with Violet’s wolf considering she barely takes over and it’s pretty much always disastrous when she does, especially when they’re in sync. Yeah was scarred for the first time in my life when I witnessed them in sync, but what does she mean by connection?

‘Every wolf has a connection with their humans in order to understand and sympathize, they’re not just ‘there’. We live centuries after centuries different humans different lives we need to become one with them to understand their live and emotions.’ My wolf explained while I nodded with some understanding.

‘Do we have this connection?’ I asked afraid of the answer.

‘Of course’ She chuckled ‘my sister and Violet though is another story’ She said with all seriousness.

‘I can’t really remember anything from my past centuries but I get a feeling that my sister never really had this bond with her previous humans either and it’s connected to something big that’s been happening throughout the centuries’ She whispered thoughtfully and before I could question her on it she disappeared.

I was startled awake by the sound of an engine before it faded away. Still sleepy I was about to go back to sleep before I snapped awake. “Violet!” Damon groaned and stirred under me.

“What?” He mumbled sleepily.

I wrenched out of his grip getting dress. “There is only one thing I know that makes that sound” I grumbled before he too snapped awake getting dressed with me.

Running into the garage I sighed by what I saw or what was missing. Violet’s motorcycle is gone.

I felt sadness and guild sinking in. She left.

“It’s alright she’ll be back in a few days like she always does” Damon spoke giving me a kiss on my forehead sensing my distress.

“But with all I said… I’m her twin sister for god sakes I’m supposed to help her and be by her side”
 I sniffed trying to hold my tears back.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now