Chapter 49

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I sighed looking between the two mirrors as their shine faded along with the images. You would have thought I would have gotten over the many negative emotions I got spending the past centuries watching over my two daughters.

Yeah right.

I watched as the gold mirror to the right changed and showed the image of Alayna while the other black one showed Violet.

They look so much like Alissa and Viona yet so different.

Alayna's attitude is different from Alissa's but not far off, Violet's definitely different from Viona's, she's stronger, darker, though they have some similarities. As much as I hate what she's gone through I'm also glad for it. Maybe things will be different from the other centuries.

I sighed walking out of the chamber and into a grand hall. I turned around and looked pass the endless high of pure white marble columns out of a grand window. I sighed as I watched everyone living peacefully.

Their beauty would be the first thing you would notice, the next would be their pure and unique wings and their pure aura. Angels were truly beautiful creatures.

I sighed as the picture seemed to flicker as a rippling lake before coming into focused once again. "A shame they are suck in that dimension instead of being able to spread their positive aura. Earth's dimension could only take so much."

"Good thing there are some good souls to help it hang on then" Arms snaked around me as I felt a smile come to my face as I turned to face my mate.

Years as a god has done him good. No shame in admitting that and he has no shame of showing it off considering he hasn't covered his muscled chest for centuries.

"Filtiarn darling" I wrapped my arms around his neck before giving him a peck. "Back so soon? Wonder why..." Filtiarn chuckled at his mate's silliness but still played along "Well, there is this beautiful woman. She is beautiful and literally a goddess and the love of my life." Aileen giggled at his sweetness before giving him a lasting kiss pulling away from him as he tried to make it deeper making him pout.

"So how was your day?" Aileen asked genuinely curious. Filtiarn still sulked answering her "Same old same old, I have found the most interesting child however, born from two pack doctors. I think he will make a great alpha, especially since the current alpha son is unfit. I should be able to take away his power as he comes of age and give it to the boy." Aileen smiled at the spark found in her mate's eyes every time he spoke of his work. She was truly proud of him.

Filtiarn stopped before he got too carried away. "What about you?" It was Eileen's turn to have the spark in her eyes as she discussed the wolves she had put together and others deserving she has given a second chance.

Filtiarn's smile faltered as he began to sense sadness in her emotions. "What's wrong sunshine" He asked gently pulling her delicate body against his buff one. "I'm just worried about the girls that's all." She sniffed trying to keep her tears at bay as he guided her towards a couch which appeared at his will.

Filtiarn felt heartbroken at his mate's state, even if it happened every centuries. "Let it out Sunshine" He gently soothed her as tears streamed down her face and unto his bare chest.

"It's just not fair! Why are my only two daughters destined to fight against each other every century? Why can't they live in peace?! That man Augustine is just-"Filtiarn gave her a swift kiss to calm her anger.

"You cannot just blame it on one man Aileen, we both know he is but a pawn for those two to fulfill their purpose. Yes he is a very despicable man at heart but he will get what's coming to him, though I guess that's what made him qualified for his role." Aleen narrowed her eyes chuckling bitterly.

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