Chapter 6

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After, all the fun was over.

I washed myself in the river, while Derek snagged a shirt from one of the boys. His shirt was currently, how I should say this stained?

I finished washing myself and put on the clothes the girl had on. Just a tank top and shorts along with sandals, but that will do. We really need to go into town for some clothes.

The pack members so kindly gave us all their money. It was so kind of them. Okay we grave robbed the ones who are not in bits, Happy?

After I told Derek my life story while breaking down; I can safely say that Derek loathes my old pack, especially about the rejection and rape. Yeah that’s still a sore subject.

 I'm going to carry the negative emotions for the rest of my life, because of that.

 Anyway Derek and I were now walking towards a nearby town.

“So...” he started. I jumped over a log and looked over to him.

“Care to tell me about your powers?” he asked little sheepishly. I paid no mind to his question just his behavior. One minute he's laughing at the torture, and the next min he is being kind? If that’s the word.

“What happened to the Derek I saw?” I asked curiously.

“Hey I've been a rogue for years, I developed a sick sense of humor and bloodlust” he shrugged. I don’t think that was all.

“That’s not all” I blocked his way,

Like I'm going to tell you, I have a soft spot for you. I heard his thoughts.

I couldn't help but grin. He looked at me weirdly yet suspiciously.

“You have a soft spot for me” I grinned wider.

He looked at me wide eyed then annoyed. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Shut up” he mumbled.

“But a rogue with a sick sense of humor and bloodlust has a soft spot for little old me” I laughed.

He glared my way but kept walking going faster. I chuckled at his attempts and caught up with him in ease. “Don’t worry, I feel the same way. You’re like a brother to me” I told him honestly.

“Well, well a rogue with a sick sense of humor and bloodlust has a soft spot for little old me” he smirked.

I just rolled my eyes and continued walking.

“Do you know what powers you have yet?” he asked.

“Yeah, my wolf told me that I have blood control and pain bringer, you've seen those and mind reading. My wolf also told me that I can do black magic, like what I did with Chris's heart and other things and spells. That and I can control shadows." I explained.

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