Chapter 40

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I smirked “Hey grandpa”

His smirk instantly dropped turning into a grimace. “I told you not to call me that”

I rolled my eyes “Please with you being older than two of my grandfather’s you’re lucky I didn’t add any greats” I Smirked at the last part seeing him glare at me.

“You do know I’m more powerful than you and can curse you for a while right?” he narrowed his eyes at me while I just smiled sweetly. “You wouldn’t you love me too much, I’m you’re only granddaughter.”

He only rolled his eyes. “I’ll get another you in the next century.” I pouted faking hurt before shrugging.

Meet Dark Vader, master of the most powerful dark coven. 

No I’m kidding his name is Dracula.

If you’re waiting for an ‘I’m kidding’ I’m not kidding.

He is the original Dracula. Shocker! you would’ve thought he was a demon or vampire but he was this very dark witch who has been leading his coven for centuries.

Everyone thought he was a vampire because he kidnapped and used the humans for his spells which their bodies dissipates to along with their souls and they thought he well…..ate them. He also used their blood for a very complicated spell that keeps him young throughout the centuries and their souls to keep his soul from fading of age. Looking at him you wouldn’t think he was more than 1000 years old.

I make friends with weird people and enemies with the right people. Alayna’s words not mine.

In my defense I’m not the only one. Drac has met my past reincarnations and took it upon himself to mentor them in the arts of dark magic. I’m sure Alayna has told you how meeting the light witches turned out…. They weren’t as different back then. 

But talk about an eternal best friend huh. I was wondering why my wolf felt so comfortable around him weirdly though she doesn’t remember anything. I’ve asked him about it a couple of times but he just blew it off as pressure and disgusting scenes of battles that could give us nightmares. 

One we all know they would all just be dreams to me, just saying, I mean watching your pass selves kick ass?

Two we both know that’s not it. Every other wolves remember something from their past lives it’s just that they choose to forget and leave it behind them. Mine didn’t and neither didn’t Alayna’s and that’s suspicious.

Especially since mother and daddy dearest always avoid answering whenever Alayna asks.

Okay getting off track.

He’s older than all my grandfathers combined and lucky I don’t add the billion greats to his name. Takes too long it’ll probably be next week by then. I mentally snorted ‘old man’.

“Heard that” He glared at me while I just smirked.

“SO why are you-“He was cut off by growls and yells along with the sound of struggle. I turned back towards the double doors behind him in confusion before it was busted open.

My nose wrinkled at the stench of rogue that was covered by the smell and aura in this house. One down side about being a rogue that rotten stench funny thing we didn’t smell so bad within ourselves but pack wolves were a different story.

“I knew I smelt a wolf in here. Someone can finally get me away from those freaks crutches” He scrunched his nose in disgust looking around the room before his eyes landed on me.

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