Chapter 38

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I groaned rolling over the bed as sunlight streamed on my face. I instantly froze.

Bed? Instantly I shot up and looked around confused.

“I’m in my room?” I muttered.

‘No shit Sherlock’

‘Shut up I’m just wondering if it was all a dream.’ I snapped at her.

‘Feel your forehead then tell me if it was a dream.’ My wolf sighed dreamily.

Weird out I touched my forehead to feel the lingering sparks from where Nathan gave me a kiss. I shivered a little. Not a dream.

But that also means……

‘Yeah she really said all those things’ my wolf said quietly. Sure mine and Alayna’s wolf have a quarrel but they still got along and for her human to say that to me, it must have hurt her that she didn’t try to stop her.

‘How about we go out of town for a while we need to anyway but we could use a break at the same time’ my wolf suggested.

I sighed “Sure why not” I spoke out loud. I have someone I needed to visit anyway.

I heard the doorknob turn before a knock came. “Violet unlock the door” I heard Derek’s voice call out.

Groaning I moved towards the door as he kept knocking. “Violet” I heard his sing-along voice behind the door.

I hissed throwing the door open as he began pounding. That boy can be annoying sometimes.

“Finally” He pushed himself in before Maya followed sending me an apologetic glance. Please if you want to apologize write a ten page essay for all those years I’ve known him.

Sighing I slammed the door before going into the bathroom. Huh I’m not looking as bad as I would have thought, oh well.

I started the water in a tub pouring in a random soap inhaling deeply at the scent. Roses.

‘Big surprise’ my wolf snickered while I just ignored her.

Going back into my room I caught the pair just in time before they kissed and have a make out session on my bed. Trust me it’s happened one simple kiss and boom.

I can never really understand love or how a simple kiss could be addictive. ‘Really’ my wolf spoke before she flashed a picture of Nathan in my mind.

Scowling I shook it off. I don’t know what got into me last night to let him hold me like that at one of my weakest moment. He’s the enemy for Pete sake leading him nonetheless I should be gutting his guts out.

I was startled when my wolf growled loudly ‘You’re just afraid of how he makes you feel’ with that she shut me out while I stood shocked.

She’s never really growled at me nonetheless shut me out before. We’ve never had an argument before.

“Hey Violet” I snapped out of it. “Huh?” I looked towards the couple.

“I think the water is overflowing” Maya pointed out as I cursed under my breath turning back towards the bathroom.

I quickly turned off the water before groaning as I stared at the mess.

“No way am I cleaning that up” I heard Derek comment from the door. I stared at him in annoyance “don’t worry you don’t have to.”

Turning back towards the mess I concentrated feeling my power before muttering a quick spell.

A dark feeling entered the room, I felt the others shiver while I reveled in it. A black cloud of smoke quickly swept around the room before disappearing. Smirking I looked around the room to see everything back to normal and a bath calling my name.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now