Chapter 27

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"Torture is tomorrow, starts at 12:00 ends when he dies" I stated before walking away sucked into my thoughts.

The mate bond has been getting stronger, it goes as far as electricity running thought me whenever Trent is about five feet from me. My wolf told me it’s because Trent acknowledges me as his mate even without the words being said. I scoffed at that.

When Meredeth casted the spell to stop the pain from Trent's activities, it required blocking the mate bond so I wouldn't be so effected but now Meredeth's spells aren't working. Something about unable to stop fate or true love.

Ugh I hate light magic and most of their users, fate this true love that, as if fate and true love lets you live with rainbows and butterflies. Just look where fate and love got me.

Anyway, I don't care if her spells don't work I don't want to be effected again by that accursed bond and actually feel something for Trent. I'm actually starting to like him now. Cue shiver. As a friend but still, shiver.

Seriously that guy screwed me over more than I could count, even when he became my mate. Excuse my language.

If light magic can’t block or break the bond then, I will use my magic. Dark magic.

Merideth didn't want me to use my magic. For dark magic everything come with a price, dark ones. Most of the time it requires souls or a sacrifice or both either from the caster or someone else.

In this situation I need a soul, this particular spell needs a dark wicked soul.

I chuckled.

This is too easy.

'Two birds with one claw' my wolf chuckled darkly.


I leaned on my balcony watching the sun rise.

The ball of fire rose at the now soft colored sky.


Said to be the rise to a new beginning. It just reminded me of what I couldn't have, every sunrise bringing new pain and suffering but, no matter how much I tried I just couldn't hate it. It’s just too beautiful, so beautiful not at all tainted.

Maybe one day, the next sunrise will be a new day, a new beginning for me, for my happiness. But I doubt it.

I sighed looking up at the now risen sun. "A twisted fate for a twisted soul" I muttered staring at the shining star of the day.

I snapped out of it when I heard Maya shift in bed before she fell to the ground with an oomph sound. Geez how the heck do you fall out a queen size bed.

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