Chapter 29

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The past few days have been eventful you could say. Rogues have been attacking along with some occasional demons which has been getting annoying, so annoying.

Anyway, after the 'talk' with the tritan pack in that my sister and I ordered them not to tell anyone outside our pack alliance, I trained them how to effectively kill a demon.


"They don't and Dos when killing a demon" I paced in front of the three packs dressed and ready for training.

"Do decapitate them, don't bite them" I stopped short when I saw a hand raised.


"Why can we bite them?" on Tritan pack member asked while the other two pack snickered.

"Because demon 'blood' doesn't have the best taste and it will distract you, in fact I recommend you don't shift when fighting them and if you do use you're claws only." I stared at them sternly seeing some of them shift nervously.

"Besides when you're biting them you're wide open and I'm sure they won't mind losing an arm or leg to devour your soul" I paused "or the whole you" I saw most shiver in disgust and fear.

"Do claw out and destroy their hearts don't just stab them in the heart when it's still in their body" I paused seeing confusions on everyone's faces. "Question?"

"Why can't we just impale them in their hearts when it's in their bodies?" I just sighed, can't they just do it without question?

"Because demons are basically like zombies and can't work without a head or heart but if it's still intact in their body they can heal or keep moving." I answered.

"Z-zombies are r-real?!" A pack member stuttered. I can face palm myself right here and there.

"No you idiot the idea of zombies came from demons, they eat souls not brains and can't go anywhere without a heart unlike zombies" I said annoyed. "Or maybe they can considering your common sense level" I muttered the last part.

"Do set traps or trick them, do not absolutely not charge at them, get distracted or show them any emotion" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Before you ask why" I spoke as I saw hands starting to come up. "Demons are devilish cunning creatures" I heard a couple of mumbles like then you're a true demon and such. I just rolled my eyes and ignored them.

"They play dirty and will use anything they've got on you, a distraction, emotion, your mates" They growled as I said mate. That's one way to motivate them.

"Good to see you determined let's begin."


Can you believe their idiocy?

'I can' my wolf muttered. I just laughed getting out of the bath before putting on a sports bra and pants making sure to put a tank top over my sports bra so the boys don't get so....distracted.

My wolf snickered at that before going in the back of my mind. I walked into the kitchen to see Maya and Derek making out, seems to be happening a lot lately. I swear those two can't get their hands off each other, well at least they didn't do it on the kitchen table yet. I would not want to eat what Derek ate that night.

My wolf and I shivered a little before I strolled some bacon from both their plates they were too busy to notice so I took it all. What? I love bacon.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now