Chapter 42

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I groaned waking up my head pounding like a bitch. That was a weird dream.

I snapped up only to be held down as I accessed my surroundings. ‘It wasn’t a dream’ my wolf said quietly.’ I felt dread remembering the recent events.

Why do they think I did it? I wasn’t even here!

I tried moving again only to be kept down, now that I think about it I’m strapped to a silver chair.

Come to think of it silver wouldn’t have been able to hurt and knock me out like that so it must have been holy water mixed with silver. Deadliest combination for a half witch and wolf.

That idiot Alayna telling them our biggest weakness, no one apart from Derek and Damon along with Stone and Merideth know this. Yes not even our closest friends know this it’s that much a secret and now she told them and they used it against me.

I let out a snarl that shook the whole cell I was locked in. How dare they.

My head snapped towards the door as it was opened and Trent, Luke, Alayna, Damon along with Jake, Stephen, Stone and Merideth came in. Another unfamiliar face came in before I recognized who it was.

I snarled silently. Richard Compton.

One of the councils pet and has been trying to get me in trouble for a while now ultimately failing. He must getting a kick out of this right now.

“Well well well, who do we have here” I bared my teeth glaring at him while the others stared at me with sadness and disappointment. Such faith they have in me.

“I know you have problems keeping out of trouble and love causing chaos but to go against your pack and alliance-“He tsked while I just growled at him.

“What do you take me for I would never slaughter my own pack and other pack members” I don’t even know what happened. Half of the pack house was burned down and there were bodies all from all three packs.

I’m ruthless but not that ruthless to kill my own pack members! I go after rogues, the bad ones anyway, I never hurt a pack member unless they disrespect me.

“Don’t bother denying it Violet we saw you” Alayna shook her head in sadness.

 “What do you mean you saw me? I just got here!” I looked at her in disbelief.

“Oh give it up woman, we saw your face, you used your magic and you shifted. Guess you cleaned yourself up and put on fresh clothes to put on this innocent act” Stephen snickered while I just narrowed my eyes at him to which he only winked to as no one paid attention to him.

Bastard! I bet he has something to do with it. ‘I never liked him anyway’ my wolf growled fighting me for control.

I took a deep breath trying to calm both me and my wolf down before meeting the gaze of everyone before me.

“Don’t you think you would be able to tell if I was lying?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I think not, you are the master of deception after all, you’ve managed to get away from justice for all your wrong doings even after all this time. I don’t know why you being here is so shocking” Richard sneered the last part while I just growled.

“That’s probably no alpha would hurt a pack member.” I heard Trent snicker “Hypocrite”

“Oh look who’s talking” I spat at him. Some mate.

“Enough Violet” I turned towards Alayna in shock. “What were you thinking interacting with Naberious in the first place” I paled at her words while I heard a snicker.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now