Chapter 62

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Claire grinned widely raising the dagger. 'So close'

She gasped as herb wrist was grabbed before she felt a burning pain. Fire! She was on fire!

But it wasn't like anything she felt before. It was burning, her inside out, and every cell in her body felt like it was burning. Building.

Staring into Damon's gold eyes, that were anything but wolf, paired with a pair of white wings, now that knocks it out. "Damn you!" She screamed as she felt herself dissolving. "I, was so close! So-" Before she could say anything else, she burst into ashes.

The clearing fell into silence frozen as they all stared at the whit e wings sprouted from Damon's back. "I wanted to kill her." Violet whined breaking the silence.

"You want to kill everyone." Damon rolled his eyes before a warm body crashed into his back. "You're wings are so soft." Alayna whispered before turning him around to face her slapping him.

"Wings! You never told me you had wings!" She went to slap him again but he caught her hand. "I just found that out a few hours ago."

"So you're an angel?" Violet stated surprised but otherwise unfazed, that angels, which were myths, existed!

"Yup" Damon chuckled rubbing his neck. Violet looked between the two. "That has to do the most perfect and annoying match ever." Alayna grinned looking between her and Damon. "Speak for yourself."

"Violet." Grant called out limping up before gesturing towards a restrained Augustine. "Caught him when he got distracted. So now I can get distracted and say, whoa dude you have wings!"

I watched a crazed Augustine smirk towards Dracula, who looked away scowling. "Dracula." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you so bent on not killing him? Don't give me the balance of the world shit, we all know when you hate someone for that long you kill them without care."

Dracula growled. "I really don't want to-"

"Because he's selfish." Augustine cut him off grinning like a crazed child. "He doesn't want to die." He claimed in a sing along.

Violet's attention snapped towards him. "What does he mean?" She asked looking between both brothers.

"Violet you have to understand-"

"He casted a spell centuries ago, using a soul who's probably long gone right now. He bonded us together. One of us dies, so does the other, isn't that right brother?"

Dracula groaned as I cast a glare in his direction. "You could have told us that sooner." while Augustine smirked in victory. "Now were going to have to be careful when we torture him. You don't feel his injuries do you?" Augustine's smirk disappeared.

"No, but I made him believe that, and he inflicted pain on himself close to a month, before finally figuring out I tricked him." Dracula smirked.

"As fun as this is, the balance is out of control. I can feel and Earthquake coming." Merideth stepped up. "We need to do something about this."

"But what are we going to do. I don't know how we can bring the balance back, neither does my wolf." Alayna said frustrated before Damon put a hand over her shoulder to calm her down. "But I do." Everyone turned to them their attention caught.

"The balance isn't just between the good and bad in the Universe. It's between you two." Violet and Alayna stared at him with a blank face. Damon sighed. "You're both each other's ying and yang, you both balance each other out. But in order to do that, you need to find the balance within yourselves."

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now