Chaper 52

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I paced around my office trying to keep from panicking.

Violet has been locked in her room for a day since her three day anger management. I'm worried, especially considering Dracula said he sensed light magic casted somewhere in this mansion.

Violet's room.

And she has a barrier around it not letting anyone in. Nothing can get in here, hell I tried throwing an elephant at it. Multiple times. In case you're wondering how I got hold of it, I'm a king and filthy rich.

I also blackmail many business men. And the zookeeper. Too bad he didn't ask what I needed it for, though he did say to bring it back alive.....

Oh well I'll make an accident.

But back to the point, I'm restless, my demon is restless and it's not a good combination. I've been snapping at anyone and everyone.

I regret not believing Violet about Claire but it was just hard for me to believe. Sure she had her flaws but she was one person I was close to, sure a little too close sometimes but I'm hardly close to anyone.

Finding out she was the traitor who pretty much ruined Violet and is on Augustine's side was like a punch to the face. I probably should have been suspicious of her advances towards me but I rarely paid attention to her anymore since finding Violet.

Come to think of it they never got along, the glares and distaste and jealousy stares should have tipped me off.

I almost hit my head on the wall for my stupidity. Of course Jealousy!

I should have known. She was always unstable before and even after I turned her and yes we had intercourses but I found Viona the previous hundred century.

I noticed the attention she tried to get from me but I honestly didn't really care. Hey I'm cold hearted to all but one.

Shortstory short after a couple of years she disappeared and came back with stronger powers rumors flying she made a deal with a dark witch before Viona was- killed.

I felt overcome by anger as I tried to reel in my anger. How did I not see this before?

She had something to do with Viona being killed. It's not a coincidence she craves my attention, disappears, comes a with the ability to expanded her use of her powers after making a deal with a dark witch......

Cecil. That could only be.

I groaned trying not to lash out on my office. It's amazing how it lasted a 2 months. Though I think Dracula placed a charm on the mansion, he did say he was tired of a demon's temper tantrum and their habit of breaking things only to have hem replaced and broken again.

Meh less work for me.

"Sir" Someone barged into my office making my eyes narrow on the dark witch before me. Anyone should know not to barge into my office unannounced.

"Violet, let down her barrier." Any thoughts of punishment vanished as I teleported in front of Violet's room which was my room- our room.

I hesitated my hand barely reaching the knob, wincing a little remembering the pain that it brought me many times. It hurt hasher than the last.

With an impatient push from my inner demon I placed my hand on the knob and sighed in relief at no pain. I quickly twisted and barged into the room and froze at the sight of the room.

Everything to put it lightly was destroyed. How she did it when Dracula charmed this mansion, I have no idea, then again she pretty much destroyed half the mansion throughout those three days.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now