Chapter 1

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"I really don't get why we keep you around, you just disgrace us even more" My brother looked down at my battered form.

I simply groaned in pain.

I wonder sometimes if my life could be different and what would happen if it was. Blamed for something that isn't even my fault. It's unfair but when I hear it every day of my continuing life I begin to believe it. It is my fault.

My fault I didn't shift and become the pride filled strong she wolf my parents expected me to be. My fault as to why I was now simply a slave and treated like dirt. My fault that my mate will most likely reject me and my future will most likely be spent abused and used, physically and mentally.

All somehow my fault.

"Ugh get up, you're dirtying my floor" Luke gave me one last kick before yanking me up by the hair pushing me out of his room.

"Oh and don't forget to make us breakfast again and make sure to make the preparations for Trent's party tomorrow." He called out before throwing two bills at me. "Here's 200 bucks make use of it."

I nodded mutely and bent down to pick them up despite my bodies protest. A squeal left my mouth as Luke gave me another kick sending me sprawling across the hall before slamming his door shut.

'Figures' I rolled my eyes and got up as quickly as possible and made my way into my room before anyone else wanted a punching session.

My 'room' is to put it bluntly the pack dungeon. Yeah I know their idiots for putting a dungeon containing rogues right where they live. Making me bunk with them, I could just let them free for all the misery they caused me.

But if I were smart I wouldn't. Rogues are unstable and dangerous. Also I've seen the looks they've been given me, until their killed or something but not taking any chances. I'm sure the pack all knew that.

Even worst were the living conditions. Not going into the details.

------- The next day

Trent, the soon to be alpha.

He may have never did what others have but he's turned a blind eyes and pretty much ignored me except for the occasional sneers and looks of disgust.

Also all in all he's a man whore, which is why I'm sorry for whoever his mate is.

I'm pretty sure my dearest sister Paige will make a good match. They're both horrible human beings.

I sighed staring at the chocolate cake I just finished baking. Today is my birthday too. My sixteen birthday.

Sixteen years of being shift less and a waste of space I guess.

It makes me wonder. Am I going to be slaving around for a pack that only abuses me if I don't die first for the rest of my life? I'm sure it will only get worse when my brother becomes Beta and my parents won't care.

To them I'm a mistake.

I snapped out of my reverie when I heard the door open and voices flooding in. My eyes widened as I made my way towards the basement as fast as I could.

My hand froze on the knob as I smelt the most amazing smell. 'No no' I felt dread settle in as my face paled.

Please tell me there's another male that's turn eighteen. Or even better, no males at all.

Time seem to have stopped when a figure came around the corner. "Mate" I whispered and felt as if I was in a trance he came closer.

Trent. Today is his eighteen birthday meaning he becomes alpha and finds his mate. Which with my luck is me.

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