Chapter 45

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I groaned getting up from where I was lying. "I'm bored!" I complained out loud.

These past few days included me being stuck in this room suffering from my many thoughts. Ugh I can't take this anymore.

Snapping up I got dressed and made my way out of the room.

I don't think I ever looked around, Nathan couldn't show me around considering he has 'kingly duties' and I can't go back to the human world since their still hunting out for me.

Nathan made me stay in here considering this mansion is full of demons and it's 'dangerous'. I almost forgot, I'm the definition of danger.

I marched down the hall taking in the theme and designs which is very elegant even if it was a little dark and creepy with the red looking like blood but hey this is my territory.

I smirked heading where I heard the most noise. The last fun I ever had was a hobo and he didn't put up much of a fight, I'm sure a couple of them will be willing considering how many I've killed in the past.

I stopped in front of a door where I heard the most chatter. I sniffed the air and slightly gagged at the amount of blood and raw meat and flesh I smelt along with the strong scent of ashes and death. This must be the dining hall.

I pushed the door open letting my scent wonder making them all freeze as the hall became silent.

I smirked leaning against the door "Hey there" I was only answered with growls and hissed making me chuckle.

"That's not a way to great a guest" I chuckled.

"We all know what you do to unwanted guests Violet Scarlett and right now you are an unwanted guest regardless of our master's connection to you." A woman hissed out while many growled in agreement.

I just rolled my eyes standing up straight walking towards the middle of the dining room which was giant with many long tables and a throne at the end which I get is for Nathan.

I smirked as they moved out of the way glaring before I turned towards them all. "Here's the deal, I know I killed many of your kind some of them your love ones-"

"You killed my brother you bitch"

"You tortured my father"

"You drowned my mama in holy water" My wolf chuckled. 'Now that's a you're mama joke'

"Ok first of all shut up all of you" I yelled out successfully getting silence. "Second of all, hell no I would go near that thing just to torture your mother, she's got nothing on me for me to suffer along with her." I shivered while I heard a growl.

Was that the wrong thing to say?

"Anyway as I said I killed many of you blah blah and I will give you all one chance." I saw them give me confused stares making me roll my eyes.

"A chance for revenge" I spelled it out for them making them stare in surprise.

"If anyone would like a go at me for revenge you're free to, however once you lose you will forgive and hold no grudge and have to take my presence treating me as you should but you will have your..... Closure." I said sternly while they all stared at me unsure.

"Why would you do that for the likes of us" I heard someone ask and everyone leaned in to hear my answer.

Putting a stoic face I looked most of them in the eyes before groaning.

"I was really bored"


"Hey give me a break at least I'm doing a good deed." They all gave me a really look.

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