Chapter 11

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Violet (Alayna pic)

Well everything is ready.

Jake called the Tritan pack to tell them when we are coming, him as alpha of course.

Josh got our private jets ready, each can hold 300 people so we got two of them.

The guys and I are going into my own private jet  that holds 50 people and the rest of the pack are driving there bringing our cars.

Its been 5 days since we told the Tritan pack we were coming and were getting ready to leave now.

yeah I we said we would see them in one week and we will. The ones flying there will fly with us today and we'll get there by night time and stay at a hotel  while the ones driving will come the next day, two days the most. either way, we all get our cars and drive towards the pack house by the end of the week.

I think there will be a bondfire the night we get there. I just hope we make it in time for everyone to get ready.

So right now I'm right in front of the gate with a metal and heat detector pass like you see at the airports. Why do I need this you ask, you'll see.

"next" I called out as I checked the screen from the metal and heat detector after an elder passed throught the gates and boarded one of the buses.

a group of teens walked throught the gates but.... "hold it" I called out.

I walked over to them "hand it over" I held my hand out. She sighed and opened her bag taking out a gun. oh yeah my pack uses weapons and their good too.

She was about to walk away when I blocked her way "ah ah, give it" I held my hand out again. She sighed reaching behind her back taking out a dagger handing it to me.

"you can go" I dismissed them. as they boarded I heard them talking "told you you wouldn't get pass her" a girl giggled.

"shut up" the girl grumbled. I rolled my eyes tossing the dagger and gun in the pile of weapons that I already confiscated.

I told them not to bring any weapons and to just put it in the vault, then get them when we get to the Tritans pack.

"freeze" I commanded as I sensed another presence. I turned around to see Ashly and Katy going throught the gate. oh this should be good.

I looked over at the screen, really? I squinted my eyes to see a bunch of little dots moving around in Ashly's suitcase. what the heck is that?

I went over to them and grabbed their suitcases knowing if I let them go throught it themselves they'll find a way to smug it.

I opened Ashly's suitcase to find a jar with bees in it. "really" I held it up at them.

"uummm, for honey" Katy laughed nervously.

"yeah right" I rolled my eyes putting my hand on the lid to open it.

" do you know how long it took us to find those" Ashly whined

"nope" I answered twisting the lid.

"please nothing is going to happen" Katy begged as I turned the lid even more.

I raised an eyebrow at that. "remember the rat incident." I asked them sweetly.

"it was an accident we didn't know if they were going to get out" Katy whined.

"well we dont know if their going to get out either" I held up the jar.

"come on it wasn't that bad" Ashly stated.

"we had to fly for 2 hours in a jet infested with rats, worrying about where they are or what they were doing, some of my clothe got shewed on" I growled out taking off the lid setting the bees free.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now