Chapter 59

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Violet stared at the massacre happening in front of her.

Sure she doesn't mind battle or the blood spilled, in fact she loved it along with the thrill that came with it.

But this, this is just wrong. Its mindless killing with no proper reason, no one will gain much other than misery and pain from losing those who they love.

'This is foolish, we have to stop this.'

'But how? No one will listen to reason, Augustine had a strong hold on them still has, not only that but the balance is tipping I don't think it can take anymore. Oh and Augustine is controlling my sister her light witch is stronger and her wolf is missing- which I will get Stephen for by the way.'

'I see your point but we have to try something, first let's find Nathan.' Yeah but where?

A roar sounded somewhere near the mansion before red fire began to overtake it and continued burning anything and anyone in its way.

'Just follow the destruction and screams of agony.' My wolf purred while I rolled my eyes. "Sadist Perverted pooch" Got to admit though a man that can make anyone scream is just hot. Get it?

I shifted into the shadows and traveled across the field trying not to focus on the heat of the flames. It's really hot, hotter than any fire she's felt before, it must be the hell fire Nathan told me about that comes out when both he and his demon lose their tempers. Especially since nothing is left of the mansion, not even ashes, wonder who made him angry.

Sensing him nearby I quickly made my way towards him wrapping my arms around him from behind. "Calm yourself please try and reel in your demon, at this rate everyone will be killed." I whispered in a soft tone, a tone I rarely- rarely use. I felt the both of us relax and sigh in content by the sparks going off on contact.

"I'm calm." He whispered before swiftly turning me around burying his face into my hair. "I'm glad you're alright." He spoke softly before his grip tightened unto me. "That bastard is still alive isn't he?"

I sighed reluctantly stepping away. "Unfortunately yes, that's not the worst of it, he imprisoned Alayna's wolf but now he's controlling her."

Nathan growled. "How that cannot be possible."

"It is and now the balance is going even crazier and he's after my soul to kill both of us permanently and keep Alayna as his prize." I paused remembering something. "Oh by the way-"I slapped the back of his head while he pouted. "What was that for?'

"That's for only having half of your soul you idiot." I went to hit him again but he grabbed my hand before I could pulling me against him just in time as a knife whizzed by.

"Let's talk about this later darling, for now I have an annoying cousin to find and kill." I raised an eye brow. "Cousin?"

"Alistair." As in the council member? "Is everyone siblings with the enemy today?" I rolled my eyes while Nathan smirked.

"Well Cecil and Merideth are sisters, Bartholomew is Trent great and so many more greats uncle, Belvedere is pretty much Grant's great grandmother and oh Dracula and Augustine are-"

"-twins, I know just found out myself, makes me wonder why one hasn't tried killing the other yet- and succeeded." I mean really I would try to kill you if you were responsible for killing my mate no- I would torture you for a long while before killing you.

"Well I have to go find Alayna and hopefully snap her out of it." I started towards the sea of battle reaching out to the bond that bound us as twins, each half of the moon. "I'll come with, Alistair can wait you're more important."

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now