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Far beyond all, a group of people lived their lives as they always had. Smiling in joy gliding in the air.

Their wings feathered many light, and bright colors.


Above them the moon glowed its bright light just before it deemed, leaving them all in darkness, then glowed silver becoming like transparent glass.

Angels aired in awe as an image shimmered.

One angel who stood in the balcony of a temple spread her wings staring at the moon. "After all those years."

"Yes my liege." A male angel bowed.

The female angel smiled turning towards him. "Tell the people it is time."

"We return to Earth at once."


"Violet Scarlett." I stared down at Nathan who went down on one knee.

"Will you....." I gave him a shocked look





"Please give me the knife so I can stab him in the heart and get it over with." I groaned, "Why can't I torture him?"

"Because, we don't have the time for it, we have a meeting to get to remember? We can't afford to be late." I rolled my eyes at that. "Well, I don't want to go."

He rolled his eyes also, "That's it" He grabbed my jacket pulling me against him before I felt the air around us shimmer as we began to teleport, but not before I saw the knife that was once in my hand, go straight for the man's heart.

I pouted as we arrived at the palace, all attention turning towards us. "How kind of you to join us, hope you were both not up to horrible deeds." I scowled making eye contact with Jessica's clear blue eyes.

"Nothing you need to worry about birdy." I smirked as she scowled at the obvious jab at her wings. "Oh sweetie, I know not why you insist on comparing me to a bird, even for the wings, ours are so much bigger, and better."

"Let's forget the similar level of smarts." I gave a smug look.

Her scowl deepened before she took a deep breath making a tight smile come to her face. "Let us begin shall we." I gave her a victorious smirk before I went to sit at my seat Nathan at my side, meeting Alayna's wary gaze. I shrugged sitting beside her before waving at Grant who waved back at me flashing his fangs.

"Violet Scarlett please, we have no time to waste." Jessica snapped making me growl.

"Angels, should have stayed in their own dimension."


"No Violet-" Filtiarn paused. "Although we have a lot of things to talk about young lady." Violet cursed under my breath.

Not even 5 minutes on Earth and he's being a pain. That's the father daughter bond I guess.

"Mom, dad!" Alayna squealed running into their arms. "Oh sweetie, we've missed you" Aileen sighed breathing in her scent smiling.

"Favoritism." Violet fake coughed. Her mother frowned giving her a stern look, "I don't see you running into our arms young lady." Violet grumbled but stayed silent giving them both a hug, though she tried to hide the smile she was sporting.

"Great family reunion." Grant wheezed out through the object impaled in his lungs. Violet blinked twice. "Is that a branch in your chest?" Grant scowled. "Purely you two's fault." Violet only smirked.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now