Chapter 3

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(Derek pic)


I woke up a little sore, and tried standing up, only to fall back down. I sighed, then heard a weird noise. Looking around for the source, my eyes landed upon a bloody body.

I tried to scream, but out came a yelp. Finally, I noticed my surroundings: a forest. What am I doing in a forest?

It was then that I remembered recent events: me getting rejected and raped, both at the hands of alphas. Like father, like son.

But the last thing I remembered was the rogue launching at me to kill whist I was... shifting! I looked down to see black paws. I had finally shifted after all this time?

What happened after that?  I wondered, staring at the bloody dead body. I wasn't freaked out at all for some reason.

"I see you're finally awake." The voice made me jump. I turned towards a shadowed place, growling in a defensive position. Don't ask me how I knew he was there. I just knew.

A figure emerged from the shadows, chuckling. I growled again as he kept approaching. He stopped a few feet from me, raising his hands in a move of surrender. "Calm down, would you?"

I relaxed a little until I smelt the air. Rogue. I tensed once again.

He stared at me before sighing. "Relax, okay? I'm not going to hurt you after I just saved you." He spoke sincerely. So he was the one who killed the rogue. Why?

He must have seen the question in my eyes because he responded. "Why wouldn't I help a damsel in distress?" He smirked. Jeez, what's with him and smirking?

"So... are you going to shift back or what?" He was still smirking, but his question registered. I didn't know how to shift back. At that, I whimpered and laid on the ground, head on my paws.

"Oh." His smirk dropped. It was silent for a while, awkward.

He finally sighed and came towards me. I didn't even bother to growl or anything. What's the point? I may as well lay here and wait for my death; I've got nothing to live for anyway. They destroyed everything.

He moved closer until he stood in front of me, kneeled down, and passed his hands over my fur. I just watched him whilst he watched me. Soon enough, he stood up straight.

"Come on, stand up. I'm going to teach you how to shift back." I snapped my head up in surprise. Why is he helping me?

"Come on now." And the smirk is back. I stood up as he asked and waited.

"Alright, concentrate on turning human. You can picture it in your mind if it helps," he explained.

I concentrated as he said, but couldn't picture it. Sadly, I had avoided any way of seeing my reflection, even when cleaning the windows. I concentrated again, and soon enough I felt a tingling sensation. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was back on my own two feet.

Suddenly, all I could see was darkness. I put my hand on my face and found a shirt there. Oh right, I'm naked, I thought, pulling on the shirt. It reached mid-thigh.

The guy was staring at me, and it made me uncomfortable. "What?" I asked timidly. I couldn't help but notice how my voice sounded a little different.

"You're hot," he stated, looking at me from head to toe. The worst part was that didn't even look embarrassed or ashamed. I could feel my face heating up, but I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. Again my voice sounded different.

"Have you seen yourself?" He asked, raising an eyebrow with an 'are you kidding me?' look.

"Well I'm just skin and bones. Doubt anyone would be interested." I shrugged.

"Skin and bones? Whatever gave you that idea?" I didn't want to answer that.

He just sighed and took my hand, dragging me. Soon I heard water flowing and we came to a river.

"Look." He pointed at the water. I did as he said and went to the edge of the lake, looking in. I gasped at what I saw. My dry and lifeless brown hair was now black and alive, and my usual dull lifeless blue eyes were now a light combination of blue and green. They still held pain and sadness within them, but now they radiated viciousness and power.

I kept leaning closer and closer until I slipped and went hurtling towards the water, accidentally dragging the guy down with me. There was a loud splash, followed by deep breaths as we resurfaced. I faced the guy, who now had an irritated look on his face. I couldn't help it - I started giggling, which turned into full-blown laughter. I hadn't laughed or giggled like this for a long time.

The guy stared at me in amusement. "You think this is funny?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded, trying to stifle my giggles.

He suddenly dove under water, causing me to look around me. I felt something grab me by the ankle and pull me below. We came up to the surface with him laughing as I pouted.

"You know you should laugh more often," he commented out of the blue. I felt my cheeks warm until the situation finally caught up to me.

"This wasn't how I looked before, you know." I spoke quietly.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah." I closed my eyes and floated on the water. It was so peaceful. For once I had someone who was talking to me and not saying profanities, hitting me, or looking at me in disgust.

"Must have something to do with you being a pure black wolf," he stated.

"My wolf is pure black?" I asked, excited. Then what he said dawned on me. "What does that have to do with me being a pure black wolf?" I asked curiously.

"You mean you don't know?" He sounded shocked.

"Know what?" I was more confused than ever.

"The prophecy." 


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