Chapter 4

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Violet (Picture)

Prophecy!? How do I not know of this?

Oh right, I barely got to learn anything about the werewolf society. I didn't even get to go to school.

The only way I learned new things, from where I left off in elementary school were by using the thrown away textbooks and other things. Sad, I know but effective. Beats not knowing a thing.

They never caught me until that night. I shivered a little at the thought of it. I still have the scars or may be not, since I got this new body.

“No, I don't” I answered him snapping out of my thoughts.

“Weren't you taught of this and anything involving being a werewolf?” he asked curiously.

I just looked away from him shaking my head.  I don’t know why, but I'm ashamed. Even when it’s not my fault.

“Why not?” he asked.

I couldn't bring myself to answer him. He would probably think how I'm shameful and a waste like the rest.

I looked anywhere but at him and saw we were drifting closer to shore. I swam the rest of the way twisting the bottom of the shirt making water drip out.

I left my bag where I shifted so I didn't have any clothes to change into.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder turning me around. “Why not?” he demanded this time.

I looked away from him, “Because I never shifted. They said it would be a waste on me” I whispered.

I know he heard with his heightened senses.

“Well they are all idiots, because you are much more” he scoffed.

“I'm just a waste of space” I shook my head denying it.

I felt him grab my chin and lift my head up to meet his eyes. He stared at me with hard eyes as he spoke.

“You are not a waste of space. They are. You are much more important and much more powerful than any of them” he spoke with such truth that tears whirled in my eyes.

His eyes softened when he took in my tears. “Don’t let anyone bring you down” he hugged me genuinely.

I relaxed into his arms. I don’t know why, but I feel safe and at ease with him.

May be it’s because he saved me from that rogue, a stranger. That made me smile, after all these years. He looked at me in a different way, with no disgust or hate like everybody else.

By actually telling and making me feel that I worth a lot more. I couldn't help the sob that left me.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now