Chapter 10

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3 years later

Violet (Ashly *right* and Katy *left* pic)

Its been 3 years since I joined the pack. 

I still wouldn't be their alpha for about two months but I took charge of training and our rogue problems. They kept their promise, they never gave up on me.

I'm able to feel much more emotions but that doesn't mean its easy to show it. Their trying to key word trying, but I know this is the one thing that they wont get me out of, showing emotions.

anywho, they nursed me back to emotional health. Merideth's words not mine. oh yeah, she has been teaching me magic while Alpha stone worked with me and my wolf. I learned some light magic but it was since I'm best in dark magic which I can safetly say I'm much better at.

gotta watch when I lose my temper thought you have to really piss me off for that to happen, I am very patient....... half the time.

As for my wolf, I rarely shift if I do most people run for the hills, well people outside the pack anyway.

Speaking of pack I finally became alpha after three months of joining. They've gotten used to me and my blank ways. I made Jake beta along with his mate Katy and Josh was Delta along with Ashly his mate or assisstant either way both mates get equal the work. Who says woman cant lead.

no one because if they actually do say it I or one of the girls will beat them to a pulp to prove them wrong. ok going off track.

How I finally became alpha. well, they found out the one thing holding me back.

Jake and his parents noticed that I was like a girl on period most of the time  althought that really happened once, imagine the pain of your mate going at it and cramps and moodswings.

I may have thrown a pack member out the window when they woke me up from my nap. poor guy he was just a messanger telling me that Jake was calling me, he caught me at a really bad time. 

Jake stormed up to my room pissed I did that and said and I quote.

"will you quit acting like a bitch seriously what is wrong with you because that cannot be just your period, no way you go into that two months in a row"  okay those times were just my mate. But that day was double trouble.

I couldn't help it, no I reallyt couldn't I was on my damn period, I had another mood swing and soon I was on the floor laughing making him even more pissed. Seeing him pissed made my mood swing to pissed also the fact that my mate was going for round two.

"you wanna know why, why dont you ask my mate thats been screwing anything he could get his dick in" what you never know, with all the pain I've been feeling I really did think he was screwing anything he could get his dick into.

anywho, another mood swing and I was bawling my eyes out a stunned Jake in front of me. after that Merideth did a spell so that I dont feel as much pain anymore and so solving the problem, mostly I just feel a few stinging pain.

at least pack members were saved from my fury, good thing the one I threw out the window healed quick althought we had to get a tree branch out of him or get him out of the tree branch. there is a tree by my window.

I was wondering where the guy fell off to until his blood dripped on my forehead.

I bought him a video game as an apology.

anyway, I became less umm bitchy and all but I was still guarded having a hard time letting people in.only a hand full have my full trust like Derek, Drake, Merideth, Stone and Jakes best friend Josh and Ashly and Katy who somehow became my best friends.

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