Chapter 7

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1 year later


“We don’t know whether, he really is a threat to our packs?” one Alpha spoke.

“What do you mean, that mutt killed my trackers, tortured and then killed” I snarled. How dare they tell me that the rogue isn't any danger.

“Well Alpha, what were your trackers doing on no mans land? If I remember correctly you sent them out knowing the dangers for reasons unknown to us” another alpha snarled back. Alpha meetings are a bust.

You’ve got alphas from around the world, each wanting dominance and respect. No wonder we have them once a year. Alphas in one single place are much a no no.

But now were discussing about the rogue. The rogue that  no one knows what he looks like.  We know it’s the same person, because of the mark. The same mark I found years ago near my dead trackers. No one knows what the V and S meant.

I don't get why the alphas aren't trying to stop him? Sure the rogue only killed the rogues. Well other than my trackers. He has the ability to go through our territories easily without being caught. He could pounce on us any time he wants that too without us even knowing it.

I just growled in defeat.

“As we were saying” the previous alpha continued “we don’t know whether he is really a threat to our packs or he only kills other rogues. Never has he attacked a pack even when passing through our territories unless they are rogues” he finished.

“That’s true, I found a group of dead rogues on my territory one day, with his mark nearby. We never knew they were there. And judging by their location and camp they were planning to attack” another alpha spoke up.

“Whoever he is, we are in his debt. The numbers of the rogues have been decreasing and attacks are even less frequent, especially in this location” I clenched my jaw in anger.

In debt? He killed my pack members! These alphas’s are out of their minds. “How do you know one day that the rogue won’t turn against us? We don’t know who he is, heck we don’t even know how he looks” I spoke out.

“We don’t. That’s why we are also cautious of him; and if this is about your pack members they could have threatened them is some way. We all know how we get with rogues. But why were your trackers in no man's land? Where there that many dangerous rogues lurking around near your pack? Are you ready to tell us your reason yet Alpha Trent?” another alpha snarled. We both went into a little stare down, tension clear in the air.

Suddenly someone barged in. We all turned our heads towards the culprit. He looked confused for a second.

“What is it?” the alpha I was having a stare down with, demanded.

The man seemed to regain some sense. “Alphas this came in” he said and held out his hand, holding an envelope. An envelope bearing the rogues mark. I couldn't help the hate that went through me.

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