Chapter 47

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“Again” I commanded the demon before me before he swung his left fist towards me. I swiftly shifted to the side grabbing his wrist before flipping him over.

I chuckled as he groaned in annoyance “You’re defense needs a little more work along with your reflexes.” He sighed growling under his breath making me roll my eyes.

‘Men and their pride.’ My wolf snickered as I walked away. ‘Amen’

“My rose” I heard a growl before I felt someone wrap their arms around me feeling sparks erupt as he buried his face into my neck. ‘You were saying?’  I raised an eyebrow while she snorted.

‘He’s our hot dangerous mate he doesn’t count, dare I say he makes it look good.’ I snorted at her answer.

Wait till we start getting into arguments.

“Why are you doing this now Nathan” I sighed as his subtle rubbed a spot on my neck giggling a bit. Do not tell anyone I’m ticklish.

“He was touching you” he mumbled while I just raised an eyebrow at his response. “You sure, I’m pretty sure we were trying to beat the crap out of each other….” I trail off as he growled.

“You didn’t see how he stared at you in the beginning, besides he was touching you while trying to hurt you.” I frowned at his reasoning spinning around to meet his lips.

“Are all mates like this” I mumbled while he smirked. “Oh no I’m much worst honey” Great ‘hot’

Ignore that. I’ve heard and seen the extent of a mate’s possessiveness along with protectiveness. If he’s worst I’m doomed.

‘Quick lets run while we can’ I whispered inside my head towards my wolf who just laughed followed by a chuckle.

“I’m never letting you out of my sights honey” He pulled against his chest while I just growled struggling not to lean in.

“Stay out of my head” I snapped pulling away.

“But it’s amusing, deadly- sadistic” He whispered the last part as he came closer to me.

“It just makes me love you more” He smirked while I stared back at him taken off guard as he crushed his lips on mine.

Oh if I had to choose killing and torturing over his lips I would choose his lips. What has the world come to?

“Ahem” I hear someone clear their throat beside us. We broke apart and turned towards a demon girl beside us with all demon qualities of pale skin, black hair and- dark orange yellow eyes? That’s a first.

“What is it Claire?” Nathan asked speaking towards her with familiarity making me narrow my eyes on her.

She barely acknowledged me speaking to him making my annoyance increasing tenfold.

‘Jealous?’ I snorted at my wolf’s comment. ‘Why would I be jealous?’

‘Because she has Nathan’s attention and her attentions were set on him’ my wolf said matter factly.

‘I don’t- It’s not- shut up’ I settled with that while she laughed.

“We’ve had a group mixed with wolves and light witches trying to gain entrance to the underworld but they are already taken care of I am still worried.” Claire spoke while Nathan though over it. “Interesting” he mumbled before returning back to us.

“I’ll look into it, you can get back to your job” He smiled at her making me huff as I pulled him away.

“What’s wrong Violet?” He chuckled not even trying to hide his amusement making me roll my eyes as I pulled him out of the room.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now