Chapter 33

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Every witch is connected. Were able to sense when one another are nearby.

Depending on who it is at least, if a similar witch companion is nearby you would feel a safe feeling if it’s the latter you’ll feel not so safe.

For instance if a light witch senses a light witch nearby they would feel the sparks, not the kind a mate makes you feel. However if a light witch sensed a dark witch nearby then the feeling won’t be so pleasant.

Yeah there’s been centuries of conflict between those two. Not even Violet who was supposed to save everyone along with me could cut it with them.

I remember visiting one of the light witch covens that taught me along with Violet. Things didn’t go so well.

Most were hostile, some thankfully kept it to themselves though that’s not what made Violet come to hate light witches.

One went as far to serve her or poison her with holy water. Something about purifying her and that a filthy dark witch couldn’t save them all, it’s just not right. Her words not mine.

Ever since then Violet has hated light witches with the exception of Merideth and I. She said that they reminded her of the Tritan pack that we all know she loathes.

“They judge others that are not like them and treat them like dirt, like their lower then themselves just because they’re not a clones like them.” Those were her exact words before she disappeared for a couple of months and came back almost mastering dark magic. She came across a dark coven that taught her which is the reason I took her to the light coven hoping they would.


Every witch is connected. Were able to sense when one another are nearby.

Depending on who it is at least, if a similar witch companion is nearby you would feel a safe feeling if it’s the latter you’ll feel not so safe.

For instance if a light witch senses a light witch nearby they would feel the sparks, not the kind a mate makes you feel. However if a light witch sensed a dark witch nearby then the feeling won’t be so pleasant.

Yeah there’s been centuries of conflict between those two. Not even Violet who was supposed to save everyone along with me could cut it with them.

I remember visiting one of the light witch covens that taught me along with Violet. Things didn’t go so well.

Most were hostile, some thankfully kept it to themselves though that’s not what made Violet come to hate light witches.

One went as far to serve her or poison her with holy water. Something about purifying her and that a filthy dark witch couldn’t save them all, it’s just not right. Her words not mine.

Ever since then Violet has hated light witches with the exception of Merideth and I. She said that they reminded her of the Tritan pack that we all know she loathes.

“They judge others that are not like them and treat them like dirt, like their lower then themselves just because they’re not a clones like them.” Those were her exact words before she disappeared for a couple of months and came back almost mastering dark magic. She came across a dark coven that taught her which is the reason I took her to the light coven hoping they would.

 When I look back at it was an incredibly stupid thought.

‘Get your head out of the gutter she’s about to rip him apart’ my wolf warned me. What would I do without her?

I looked back to see Violet stalking towards Stephen who had a fearful look on his face his smirk gone.

Yikes she is about to rip him apart. I used my speed to come between them holding back Violet.

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