Chapter 17

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I sighed walking back towards the pack house. I'm in a hurry to get back and right now I'm annoyed with my wolf.

'seriously why didn't you tell me the guy was already dead when I was torturing him?' I asked my wolf irritated.

'not my fault you didn't notice.' my wolf rolled her eyes

' I must have looked like a crazy woman torturing a dead body' I grumbled.

'you know you look crazy torturing a live person anyway besides look at yourself' My wolfstated.

I looked down at myself, my clothe drenched in blood and a couple of small body parts sticking to me. she has a point.

I just sighed as the pack house came into view and it looked deserted with the exception of some of the guards outside. I dont want to go throught the front door and scar the poor children so I jumped on my balcony.

yeah Derek got me the room with the balcony, he knows me so well. I took off my clothe in the bathroom playing with the shadows making them take take my bloodied clothe and instantly shred them to pieces. shame I liked that top. oh well.

I stepped into the bathtub taking a shower to get all the blood off and some body parts, how the heck did some of his skin get in my hair? 'I dont know its not like you teared him to peices or something like that, oh wait you did' I'm just going to ignore her.

I washed up and soon took a bath to relax putting in the rose scent.

by the time I stepped out in a towel the sun was going down.

"you know they will be asking questions right?" Derek asked from my bed.

"yeah" I sighed putting on my clothe yes in front of him but he wont try anything. he's right thought Trent was suspicious before boy is he now.

"we could tell them I'm a vampire" I thought out loud.

"we can all smell you're werewolf" He pointed out.

"yeah but have you met them their idiots" I rolled my eyes putting on a nightdress.

"I doubt their that stupid" Derek rolled his eyes. I fixed my hair into a ponytail before getting into bed cuddling him.

"good point" I muttered. great what am I going to do now. I never wanted to reveal I was a wolf and a legendary wolf notherless.

I sighed at the thoughts clouding my mind.

"stay with me tonight" I muttered as Derek started to move away.

"with all thats been happening so far I doubt I'll get a peaceful night" but then again since when do I ever get a peaceful night.

"alright but let me take off my clothe first" Derek chuckled at he grip I had on him. I huffed letting him go.

He got out of bed taking off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. As soon as he got in bed I snuggled into his chest, what can I say he's like a giant teddybear.

"a giant teddybear huh" Derek said amused. guess I said that out loud but I'm to tired to argue with him.

"goodnight princess" he kissed my forhead running his hands throught my hair as I fell into a deep sleep.

I was right, I did not have a peaceful night. I woke up a couple of times and Derek had to calm me down back to sleep. especially when my mate was going at it and him being in the same house as me able to hear their moans with my enhanced hearing wasn't making it any better.

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