Chapter 23

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(Maya pic)


The past few weeks has been interesting.

The Tritan pack stayed away from me, not that I'm complaining and if they are anywhere near me you could see the hate and disgust along with fear they have towards me.

Doesn't help that two of their pack members mysteriously dissapeared during this week, yeah the other two rogues. I'm surprised they haven't figured it out yet, I mean three rogues, three guys raped me down in the cells where rogues were imprisoned.

Their idiots honestly.

Anyway, tension has been high between the two packs and the Tritan pack. They feel 'betrayed' or something like that since they knew about me let alone let me become their alpha.

Doesn't really help I dont really hide my mark anymore just to spite them, also I dont feel like wasting magic hiding it anymore since they now know.

I wonder if their going to try any stunts I mean Trent as pretty bent on killing me for killing his trackers. Which I'm now wondering, aren't they wondering how Chris came back here without his heart?

Now that they know I'm alpha the answer is prettymuch right in front of them. Alayna and I looking 'coincidently' alike; as they put it in their mind. Both of us pretty much being alphas, I never shifted be when I was supposedly supposed too but now they pretty much suspect that I have a wolf, Alayna and I never showing our wolves, my eyes turning abnormally red. The answer is right in front of them if they know the twin goddesses legend which I'm sure they do.

'They take idiocy to a new level' my wolf mumbled.

'No kidding' I rolled my eyes.

I sighed remembering what happened at the club.  'Poor little Paige' my wolf sighed exaggeringly. 'Not' she sneered.

I giggled a little remembering the sceen. The poor girl was so desperate saying anything to make things better for her only to be even more humiliated in the end. You would have thought I would feel sympathy or even empathize with her, unless you count empathy on enjoying each others pain.

I just hate it when others feel the need to be good and be the bigger person when a person is going throught what you did before caused by them. If you ask me its stupid that person brought you pain its only fair they feel pain, the same pain they themselves inflicted on you. Empathy is overrated.

'Such a bitter person' my wolf chuckled.

'Who do you think I got it from' I deadpanned.

'Touché' she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and got out of my relaxing bath, Derek can drain it for me. I wrapped my towel around myself and tyed my hair in a ponytail before stepping out.

I put on black shorts and a violet tank top making the mark on my right shoulder clearly visible. Like I said just to spite them. I put on my black sandals and streched.

Today is sunday so the rogue incident was last week, training was awkward if I do say so myself.

Anyway I plan on relaxing today I dont know how but the girls will probably drag me with them to do something anyway. I dont bother to fight them anymore they have Alayna on their side and she has equal strenth as mine, along with Ashly and Katie I'm out numbered and out strenghed. 

I heard a knock at my door and frowned. barely anyone comes up here other than the gang who just barge in, especially Derek.

"come in" I called out and the door opened to reveal a girl. She looked pretty shaken and weak clothes that are more like rags hanging off of her. I frowned at her attire, I dont remember seeing her around.

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