Chapter 50

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I stared at the demon in front of me in disbelief.

"This isn't poisoned is it?" I pointed at the medium cooked stake with rice and mashed potatoes.

The demon girl rolled her eyes. "No, Lord Naberious would kill us after a number of torture methods." She said matter fact while the other girls around her agreed.

Anyone else have experienced random girls coming to you with food saying they want to get to know you.

I'm getting Nathan later, anyone would know I hate being around bitchy whiny attention seeking girls. Hell I kill them.

——————— 1 hour later

"I know right claws are way messy to use and ruin pedicures-"

"Yet it brings you great satisfaction" I smirked finishing Catherine's sentence.

"Exactly!" Laura called out. "Hey has anyone tried torturing someone with a plastic knife. I swear it's a bitch trying to break skin."

We all burst out laughing. "Why the hell would you use plastic?" I asked her trying to holding my laughter as she glared.

"Because it was the only thing I could find! I swear the guy had no life, well not when I was done with him." I shook my head.

"Did it at least bring him pain? "Silica smirked while Laura's expression brightened. "Like you would ever know, his voice ran out by the time I broke skin to his bones and it was only the first slash"

"I would try that but I'm pretty sure I won't have the patience for it." The girls giggled at my statement. "You're patient torturing someone psychologically yet you can't physically." Catherine rolled her eyes.

"Because it's fun" I shrugged going to take another bite of my stake but frowned when I found the plate empty.

"Anyone ever choked someone with a tampon?" Catherine blurted out while I choked out a laugh.

"No! Why would you do that?" Silica scolded her while I tried to stop laughing. "I was on my period and I was very cranky when some dude thought it would be funny to try and rape me when I was at a midnight stroll" Catherine huffed.

I immediately sobered up. "Demons have periods? How is that even possible you don't have any blood?!" I blinked while the three of them stared seeming to grimace.

"Oh we have it alright and it's a little different than yours. Moodiness doesn't stop though, you should be thankful blood is the only thing that comes out on yours" Laura commented before they all grimace.

I shivered. "I don't want to know."

"You know when I sent the girls to give you company I did not think this was where it would lead." I turned around to find Nathan leaning on the doorway and smirked. "You know all girls just love to gossip."

"Yeah I bet they gossip about different torturing methods and killing someone with a tampon" He gave a pointed look at Catherine. I only chuckled. "Were you spying on us?"

"Not really, I just have eyes and ears everywhere." He shrugged walking forward and putting his arms around me.

All three girls squealed. "You guys make the cutest couple." Silica gushed.

"Cute, more like sexy" Laura wiggled her eyebrows. "Don't forget deadly." Catherine pointed out while they all nodded in agreement.

"Well mind if I steal my sexy lady away" Nathan smirked while I just rolled my eyes pouting. "I'll see you later girls." Who knew hanging out with demons would be so much fun.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now