Chapter 15

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So here I am, just sitting here drinking a bottle of Volka I found half full-dont ask.

It amazes me how an argument can go from why I'm back here to how parental my parents were to me and now to who's alpha of alpha's for all three packs.

yeah I have no idea how  that last one came to be but it pretty much started with Trent telling Damon not to command his pack members without his consent and a whole argument started and somehow Jake got in it.

Yeah I have no idea how he got in but that argument that is pretty much leading to a three way brawl for dominance. In which my wolf and I are trying to restrain from joining in and show them who the alpha truly is, but that would end with a brawl against my sister but we wont kill each other thought.

What was I saying again? oh right.

"please you wouldn't know one thing about being an alpha seeing how you and your pack members treat some of your member" Jake growled out. Jake may be my beta but he still has alpha blood in him, his family was intrusted with the Dark moon pack until the time I would take over.

"that does not give you the right to just waltz in here and take over my pack" Trent growled out.

"who said anything about taking over?!" Damon growled.

"well you both just had a secret meeting and you just ordered one of MY pack members" Trent growled louder.

"he was about to shift and attack one of my pack members" Jake said in disbelief. I would feel that if you know I could feel, I mean your pack member was about to attack another pack's member the alpha no less, well they know me as the beta but that does not make it better.

"then why did he order him and not you" Trent said smugly. is he seriously starting a fight about an allied alpha ordering his pack members.

"because unlke you we know how to care for others wether in our pack or not" Damon rolled his eyes. did I mention they were all in a circle pretty much circling each other in attack mode? nope well now you know, come to think of it they look like their about to shift.

'bloodshed baby' my wolf said with excitement. 'please please can we join' she begged. yeah she is so bipolar.

'at least I can feel' she snorted. hurtful. just kidding she says that all the time. I have to confess most emotions I feel comes from my wolf some from me.

"Its not like she didn't deserve to be treated like that" Trent sneered. is he talking about me?

My whole pack along with the light moon pack growled. I'll take that as a yes.

"why you" Jake started shaking actually most of my friends looked close to shifting. I missed something but now this is getting anoying.

I drank the last of the volka before throwing the bottle right in the middle of all three of them. They jumped back as glass went flying and the noise silenced everyone. well at least the shock brought them out of their argument and almost shifting.

They all towards me shocked.

"first of all no one needs a three way alpha brawl during a bonding ceremony" I emphasized the word bonding. Derek who came back beside me- yeah I dont know where he's been is trying to muffle his laughter.

it looks like the alpha's were still in shock. oh well.

I turned towards Jake "I dont think we should start any more problems alpha" Fear appeared in his eyes but he hid it quicly stepping back. "you're right"

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