chapter 46

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Moments in the past

 “You will not win this” Augustine smirked staring at the pathetic looking girl in front of him.

“Someone has to” She said in a mocking tone that didn’t sit well with him.

“It certainly won’t be you.” He snarled before chuckling.

“Honestly what was going through the moon goddess mind when she created darkness to protect light? Darkness only destroys light and to be mated to that demon” He tisked.

“You are truly an abomination” He smirked as the girl growled.

“Do not insult my mother or my mate. Besides who else would protect everyone? You? You would destroy the world more than he or I ever would have” The girl spoke it as a fact making Augustine roar in order before striking her.

The girl simply chuckled spitting out the blood. “See you can barely control yourself.” Augustine simply struck her again.

Augustine took a deep breath before calming down. “I’m sure your sister will do a much better job” Augustine smirked as the girl growled staring at him in hatred.

“Try if you can you can never fight against the mate bond” The girl shifted to another topic while Augustine chuckled. “That’s what you think”

As he made his way out the door the girl growled. “The mate bond is unstoppable, you are not going to get away with this, and he will find me!”

The door closed shut leaving her in the dark.


“Where is she?!”

“Master please-“

“Where is my mate!” The demon ducked just in time as a table flew overhead smashing against the wall behind her.

 “Master Nathan please calm, we are trying our best to find her” The demon servant tried to calm him down.

“Well your best is not enough” Nathan roared taking out his anger and frustrations on everything around him.

“Enough son! This mansion cannot take anymore disturbances” A voice boomed making Nathan snap his attention towards his father angrily.

“If I don’t find my mate this mansion and this whole world will have a lot more to worry about” Nathan snarled a while his father growled at the disrespect.

“Enough about this girl, you can easily get another sure they won’t be as powerful as her but they will do” His father waved his anger off uncaring.

A dark aura surrounded Nathan making the servant’s eye widen before she quickly scurried out from the cross fire that was bound to happen.

“You think I can just forget about my mate? That I was just using her for power like you did my mother!” Nathan yelled while his father slightly flinched at the mention of his mother.

Nathan just sneered at his reaction. “Just because you didn’t get your happy ending doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get mine.

“This has nothing to do with-“

“It has everything to do with it” Nathan snarled stalking up to his father who he had locked in a predatory gaze his demon surfacing.

“Listen here and listen well. Don’t even think about getting in my way, I will turn this world and others into chaos and I will not leave a stone unturned until I find my mate.” Nathan snarled before he swiftly growled holding his father against the wall by the neck. “Don’t think I won’t hurt any of my own people because I can and I will if they get in my way” Nathan gave his father a sadistic smile his eyes black as night holding a malicious glint.

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