Chapter 26

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"Y-y-you can’t do this" my father shouted. "You can't just kill a former alpha" he trembled a little.

 "Want to bet?" Violet smirked.

 "I'll summon the council" he blurted out desperately.

 I saw Violets gaze darken. "The council?" She asked darkly.

 "Yes the council" my dad stated gaining more confidence.

 "You really think they can do anything?" Violet chuckled darkly "besides they wouldn't come near me for a couple of years for what they've done. They value their lives after all"

 I might regret asking this. "What did the council do to you?" They must have done something really bad for them to stay away from her for years, that or she holds a grudge.

 "They allied me with this accursed pack" she screeched. I winced not because of her tone but the fact she really didn't want to come back here and how angry she is at the fact that the council would have to keep away from her wrath.

 She took a deep breath before composing herself. "Now where was I, oh yes you're doomed no matter what" Violet deadpanned as two of her pack members came in with silver handcuffs.

 Should I just let them take him, sure he's done all those things but he's still my father, the previous alpha the man who raised, who I looked up to.

 'It’s for the best' my wolf muttered surprising me. 'He’s a danger to our mate and pack, the werewolf and the human world, it’s for the best' with that he retreated into the darkest corner of my mind. I can't help but feel he was trying to convince himself as I was.

 I snapped out of it to see my father fighting against the pack members with the handcuffs and Violet looking annoyed.

 "Put the Goodman cuffs on or else I'll control you to do it yourself and open the door to walk right into the cells and we all know that will hurt because of the silver" she smiled wickedly. "Besides you don’t want to make a wrong impression on your pack members as the weak pathetic being that you are as you walk into prison yourself" Violet said innocently.

 "In other words she means keep fighting" Derek smirked while Violet pouted at him "you ruin my fun"

 "Please I'm the fun one here, your idea of fun is a massacre and many other twisted activities" Derek rolled his eyes.

 "You’re one to talk" Violet muttered before turning back towards my father who was glaring daggers at her. "Well?"

 My father reluctantly put his hand out making Violet smirk "pity I would have hoped for the latter"

 My father hissed as the cuffs were put on and glared harder at Violet. She just chuckled and turned to me.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now