Chapter 9

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Violet (alpha Jake pick)

I unfroze and and stared at the alpha who was a few feet away.

"well, its been fun but we've got to go" I laughed nervously stepping backwards.

He stepped closer and growled. 

I growled right back. He growled again stepping foward.

How dare he, I am his alpha. I growled stepping foward also. I dont take well in challenges and by my guess neither does he.

He looked angry at me for challenging him, guess what so am I.

He growled louder putting his alpha power behind it. I saw his eyes turning black meaning his wplf close to the surface.

my wolf also surfaced demanding respect and angry he dared use his alpha power agaisn't us.

I growled feeling my eyes turning red. He better back down or else he will be six feet under. literally, he'll be lucky if he has anything to put in his coffin.

He went to growl at me again but I growled putting my power behind it but not all of it. I could feel the ground vibrating a little by the force of the growl.

His eyes quickly returned to its original color with a fearful look he bowed his head and whimpering.

my wolf calmed at his submision, my eyes returning to their original color. "dont ever dare growl at me again pup" I growled at him.

He whimpered and I sighed. I looked around and saw the other wolves also bowing their heads in submission.

"let him go" I demanded refering to Derek, they released him without a word. He walked towards me in shorts only. which remindsme where did out bags go?

I sense someone coming and glanced at the direction of the pack house. Soon a woman burst through the clearing, I could see the resemblance between her and the alpha.

She's not a wolf but I feel great power from her including ones of a luna. What is she? its on the tip on my tongue.

"Merideth, where are you going this is dangerous." A man burst throught the clearing. I sense his alpha aura around him and he resembles the alpha.

They were his parents, but what are they doing here. also, Merideth, Merideth where have I heard that name before.

Damn she's a-

"I sense great power here" She spoke comming closer to me. I growled warningly but she just ignored it coming closer.

"mom what are you doing?" the alpha asked frantically.

"Merideth stay back" her mate called out. She ignored them both and kept coming towards me while I stepped back.

Derek stared in shock, I never back down this was a weird behavior for me but if he could remember who she is better yet what she is.

My back hit a tree as Merideth came closer. I growled in warning again but nothing really happened she just kept coming.

I heard growls and saw the pack trying to interfere but they were held back by a force. damn smart-

I was cut off by a hand touching mine. her eyes widenned as we made contact. damn she knows.

then her eyes changed into disebelief then determination, I felt the air shift towards her. What is she doing.

Suddenly I felt my wolf coming out, I tried pushing her back but a force was pushing her to the surface. She was forcing me to shift!

I tried to stop it but it was no use. I felt my eyes red in anger and my wolf coming to surface. my nails became claws at my teeth became canines, this was like the shift over again, doesn't hurt as much but it hurts nonetherless.

Violet ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now