Chapter 57

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I once again tried to set free of my bounds but nothing would work.

I couldn't shift, my claws wouldn't break free, and not even my spell would work. Both my witch and my wolf are getting restless.

"So what's going to happen after you take my soul? I'm pretty sure Nathan will come after you and I'm sure you don't want to face a very angry demon king." I tried to distract him.

He simply smirked. "I won't have to worry because destroying your soul will destroy his because you are his other half and it so happens he sold the other half of his soul to his demon." I cursed under my breath. Why Nathan did you have to basically sell your soul to the devil?

Though there's one thing I'm wondering. "Where's my sister?" Augustine paused his preparation. "Safe." Was all he said before going back drawing symbols around the circle? If only he would come closer so I could kick him in the face. 'Or the balls, definitely the balls.' My wolf commented while my witch hummed in improvement.

Having an inner witch, it's not like having an inner wolf that can speak. It's more like you feel its emotion and king of guides you though she can also take over, so an angry witch is an unpleasant witch, light or dark.

I grinned when I felt a familiar presence. "Let her go Augustine." Dracula stood beside me.

"You know I can't do that brother." Augustine smirked while I blinked before backtracking. "Wait wait- You two are brothers?!" What- How?!

"Oh he didn't tell you." Augustine smirked while I gave Dracula the stink eye. No he didn't.

"Well not only are we-"

"You know what shut up I don't want to know." I cut him off making him glare. Knowing him he would probably exaggerate and try to turn me against him. I rather ask Dracula after I kill him for not telling me he is Augustine's brother!

"You insolent brat-"

"Let her go Augustine, you are interfering with the balance. The world's condition is getting worst." Augustine grinned sadistic grin. "Which is why I will be getting rid of her then everything will be as it should be. A world without darkness where it can consume and corrupt." A crazed look seemed to have appeared in his eyes while Dracula's aura darkened.

"This is between us Augustine, I don't know why you brought the whole world into this, much less the twin goddesses' daughters." He said stiffly.

"But don't you see they are the answer." Augustine spoke seeming even more insane as he continued to speak. "They create the balance, they are the very essence between light and dark, good and bad. Destroying her soul will destroy the darkness in this world. Only light will exist as Alayna lives, I will be able to make sure what happened to me doesn't happen to-"

"Enough!" Dracula growled sending a dark lightning at him which he deflected. "You can't blame anyone else for your mistakes."

Oh no. "Please don't tell me all this is happening because of some petty thing that happened centuries ago between you two and please not because of a girl." By the silence that followed I sure hell want to hit them both. "You have got to be kidding me. Seriously!"

"Well I got over it he got obsessed making sure what happened to him didn't happen to anyone else and that girl was our mate." Dracula stated before dodging a white lightning sent at him. Is he, is he really? I mean the famous Dracula to not hold a grudge based on his mate.
Highly unlikely.

"Our mate, she was mine, you took her away from me and got her killed!" Okay someone break me out I will definitely hit the both of them.

'Maybe we can fix this whole century and balance with therapy.' My wolf snorted. Huh that's not a bad idea.

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