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-Wait what? How could you!, screamed Tess running to the door, banging on it trying to get it open.

-Well, it was quite simple, all I had to do was make you believe that I was being vulnerable and that I loved you and boom, you ratted on my dad like a 2 year old would rat on their sibling. Have fun now., said Sadie walking away from behind the door.

The redhead walked back to the room where Lilia and Millie and Millie's new friend Olivia had been earlier. The younger girl brunette was still talking to her new friend. Lilia frowned seeing Sadie smiling because how could she smile if Millie and her had broken up.

-I did it., smiled the redhead getting the girl's attention.

-Did what?, asked Lilia confused.

-I  know my dad's plan., admitted Sadie.

-How? What? I am so confused., wondered the blonde girl.

Millie and Olivia joined them. 

-Okay, so first of all, I knew that something was off with Tess, she had been acting weird since the beginning, so to find out what was going on, I pretended not to believe Millie, because I knew that it would make her angry and she would end things with me, which would give Tess the perfect opportunity to win me over. I then pretended to like her, I even kissed her to make it more credible. I acted as if I was being vulnerable and like I wanted revenge on you guys. She fell for it and well, she admitted that she uses this watch to still communicate with my father and update him. She even explained how it worked, because I told her that I wanted to tell my dad personally that I forgive him, which I don't just to be clear. She told me where his hideout is and where they are planning their plan. Oh and she told me about their plan. We need to get ready because they will attack us in two days and we are no near ready., explained the redhead as the other girls just listened carefully.

-Two days? Okay, Lilia, go get the boys and tell them to prepare the ones who are up to fighting to actually fight. Sades, you go talk with Rowan and Corey to make sure that we'll see them coming and tell them every single detail of the plan., ordered Millie.

-On it., replied Lilia leaving and not looking back.

-Can we talk before I go?, asked the redhead.

-Sure., replied Millie.

Olivia looked at the two. Millie chuckled as she saw Sadie's confused face.

-Oh, right, you want me to go. Okay, well see you around., chuckled the girl nervously leaving the room.

-She's weird., frowned Sadie.

-She's different., replied Millie.

-Yeah, but anyways. Mills, now that you know that I believed you and that I did all of this just to make Tess talk, does it change anything?, asked the redhead scared of the answer she might get.

-Sades...You were just looking out for us. You know that I love that about you. I guess I am a bit pissed that you didn't tell about your plan, because you hurt me when you said those things. Oh and that reminds me, we still have to have that discussion about whatever happened in the bathroom with the mirror. But for now, I guess if you were pretending and planned for me to break up and that it was all pretending, so we didn't actually break up, I think., shrugged Millie as she rambled.

-Okay, good. That's a relief. You know I love you and of course I trust and believe you. I'm sorry that I hurt you and I was scared to tell you about my plan because you would either want to be part of it or you would just try to stop me., replied Sadie.

-I love you too, and I know, don't worry. We're okay., smiled the brunette.

-Promise?, asked the older girl.

-I promise., replied Millie who pulled her girlfriend closer and kissed her softly.

Sadie was relieved of course, and smiled into the kiss, having missed her girlfriend even though it had only been two hours. Millie pulled away and punched her shoulder making the redhead groan.

-What the hell?, exclaimed the older girl.

-That's for kissing Tess., smirked the brunette.

-Well while I was kissing Tess, you got some heart-eyes from your new friend., replied Sadie.

-She feels lonely and she's socially awkward and has difficulties fitting in. Now she has a friend she can count on. Oh and we need to look for some bullies., shrugged the younger girl.

-I hate bullies., frowned the redhead.

-So do I. I will not tolerate any of those kids hurting each other. Wow, I call them kids but some are older than me or even you. I mean, Maya? She's for sure like at least 4 years older than you  and you're already 2 years older than me. I'm just glad that no one has questioned our positions as leaders. For now., rambled the brunette.

-Mills, calm down. We will catch the bullies and we will not be challenged like some alphas from a pack. We are the leaders because we saved them and we are letting them stay here and giving them shelter., replied Sadie putting a hand on Millie's shoulder. 

-I guess you're right., smiled the younger girl.

-I'm always right., smirked the redhead.

-Except for all the times you were wrong., giggled Millie.

-Oh shut up. Now, let's go talk to the other, we have some planning and protecting to do, because I am not gonna let my father hurt us or kill us. I will kill him if I have to, but he will not win. This isn't over until he is dead. I am the one who will kill him. I want to be the last person he sees when his soul leaves his body. He's gonna regret EVERYTHING he ever did to me., replied Sadie feeling herself getting worked up.

-Okay, your turn to calm down. I know your dad hurt you and he will pay. But please keep your cool for now. I don't want you going all hero and then getting hurt., said Millie worried.

-Yes. Of course., nodded the redhead.

-Okay, let's go now., said Millie already leaving as Sadie followed her. 

They walked past a room and heard some noise. They stopped at the door and Millie opened it.

-Hey! Stop!, yelled the brunette.


A/N: helloooooooo, let me know if you like where I'm going with this. OKAY LOVE YOU AND THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT BYE

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